World Lymphedema Day
Diverse crowd celebrating World Lymphedema Day

Continuous Medical Education Program (CME) “Current Trends in Managing Lymphedema””

Chennai, India

Lymphedema following breast cancer is a common issue that needs to be addressed properly this may be in the form of education and surveillance to being the health care professional that needs to provide management of this condition across the spectrum of severity.
Lymphedema Education & Management provides with a solution to meet their needs.

Lymphedema the Essentials for Physiotherapist:
This workshop has been designed for Physiotherapists as an introduction to:
 Surveillance
 Risk reduction
 Early Lymphedema Management following breast cancer treatment
It provides Physiotherapists with essential information and practical tools to assist their patients. It also enables them to be aware of current lymphedema management strategies. This workshop will utilise and expand upon their current knowledge and skills to facilitate their learning experience and manage breast cancer related lymphedema patients successfully.

If you need more details about this event, email Sringeri Sharada Equitas Cancer cum Multi speciality Hospital at: