World Lymphedema Day
Diverse crowd celebrating World Lymphedema Day

Lymphedema webinar


Gynecological Cancerpatients in Finland (GySy) and the Finnish Lymphedema Association (Suomen lymfayhdistys) are organizing a joint webinar on lymphedema treatment on World Lymphedema Day, March 6.

At the beginning of the event, the associations will briefly introduce themselves, followed by a presentation on lymphedema treatment by Vodder lymph therapist and certified lymph therapy instructor from Dr. Vodder School Finland, Tarja Kokkonen. After the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.

The event will be held remotely via Teams. Registration is easy through the following form (form and event are both in Finnish): A link to join will be sent to registered participants no later than on the day of the event. The registration form also allows participants to submit questions for the speaker in advance.

Questions will be answered on a general level, as we cannot provide guidance on individual patient treatments during the event.

The event is open to everyone interested in the topic. A warm welcome to join us!

If you need more details about this event, email Gynecological Cancerpatients in Finland & Suomen lymfayhdistys at: