World Lymphedema Day
Diverse crowd celebrating World Lymphedema Day

#SOS4WLD (“Statements of Support for World Lymphedema Day”) - FREDERICTON


Premier of New Brunswick, the Honourable Susan Holt, has graciously contributed to the promotional & educational campaign, “SOS4WLD**, from the Government of New Brunswick - Fredericton.

[**SOS4WLD – “Statements of Support for World Lymphedema Day” is an annual promotion for “the cause” presented by “Lymphedema - Guerrilla Warrior General” (LymphoGWG). #SOS4WLD have been accomplished, Canada-wide, from all levels of government leadership & political stripes, plus from select LE-savvy overseas locales of note. This ‘S.O.S.’ is an intentional double entendre for ‘statements of support’ while borrowing from the traditional call of marine urgency … the word “lymph” is derived from the Latin “lympha” meaning ‘connected to water’. More on the campaigns is available at FB page “Lymphedema - LE Nexus Canada”.]

Premier Holt - on behalf of the Canadian contingent of the global “Lymphedema (#LE) Community”, especially those who calls New Brunswick *home*, thank you & merci for the participation in the LymphoGWG promotional & educational campaign for “World Lymphedema Day / Journée Mondiale du Lymphœdème - 6.3.2025” … EVERYWHERE!

Advocate-at-Large & LE&RN: Canada Chapter, Chair,
Lymphedema - Guerrilla Warrior General (LymphoGWG)
FB: Lymph Nexus Canada

If you need more details about this event, email Lymphedema - Guerrilla Warrior General (LymphoGWG) at: