b'through my employer it would have been covered. In my job IVERONICA SENERIZworked daily with lymphedema patients, never dreaming I would be one. It is a life-changing diagnosis and is always with you. Katy, TXThere needs to be more funding for research and moreI was born with a form of genetic lymphedema called Lymphedema education for physicians and medical students so early diagnosisDistichiasis Syndrome, which presented in 1994 in one leg, but can be achieved. I was lucky to have a physician that recognized eventually spread to both legs (bilateral lower extremities). I was in the early stages. Although I was aware that I was primary, I did not know about being this specific type and the connection between my eyelashes and my legs. Im 45 years old and developed it at age 20, which GAY RESTER means Ive lived over half my life with this disease with little toArlington, TX no support. It is physically and emotionally painful. Im 61 and was diagnosed in 2014 with stage 3 inflammatory I am third generation in my family to have this incurable breast cancer. That has now metastasized to my right hip bone,condition. My grandfather was also bilateral like me. I alsomaking it stage 4 cancer. To attempt to get rid of it, I had twohave an uncle and two first cousins currently living with unsuccessful lumpectomies, then a right mastectomy, Chemo andlymphedema. LE has run in my family for over 115 years.radiation. Then it spread to my left lymph nodes a year later so All of us are native Texans. I had a left mastectomy, more chemo, and radiation. I feel veryMy blog, Lymphie Strong, was created in 2015, and is dedicated to lucky to still be alive in 2020. Now, if only a magic pill could bemy father, Pete, who lived with lymphedema of his left leg sincediscovered to reduce the lymphedema in my right arm that the early 1970s. He was the strongest person living with it that I spreads to my shoulder and neck and sometimes left arm too. personally knew, and a hero in my daily fight against lymphedema. Even morphine cant ease the pain of lymphedema when it flaresHe lived with LE for over four decades with the first 24 years being into deadly cellulitis from time to time, requiring antibiotics completely misdiagnosed, untreated, and enduring over 100 bouts and steroids that have consequences as well. Please, please of cellulitis.address lymphedema to find a cure. Or at the very least coverSadly, my father passed away in June 2016 from cancer. While I am therapy and methods to somewhat relieve it and prevent thedevastated at losing him, I am comforted that part of his legacy will deadly cellulitis it can lead to! (Thank you to Kathy Bates forlive on in helping others with lymphedema.turning a negative lymphedema experience into such a positive hope for so many of us struggling and suffering in silencewith this!) I am told there is no cure for lymphedema (LE). I dont believe that.I acted full-time for30 years. With LEthat all ended. KATHLEEN MULLIGAN Wilmington, DEAN AMERICAN TRAGEDY 41'