b"Figure 9. Key Subjective Components for Genital Lymphedema Evaluationsthan-truthful responses due to a perceived shame byTo help ease the HCP and the patient into the the patient. The Lower Limb and Genital Lymphedemaobjective portion of the evaluation, one should start Questionnaires for Men (LLGLQm) and Womenwith evaluating the trunk and lower extremities. (LLGLQw) were developed to assist in diagnosing GLECompleting every other portion first allows for trustand with communication between patients and HCPs.to be developed between the patient and the HCP. Noble-Jones et al. reported that having specificAfter gaining consent, the HCP can begin a thorough questions on GLE on a typed intake document showedevaluation of the genitalia. True truncated cone patients that others experienced some of the samevolumetrics, like those used for the extremities, cannot symptoms and improved the patient's willingness tobe applied to the genitalia, so one must complete discuss GLE involvement 230233 . multiple measurements to show the full involvementFigure 10. Key Objective Components for Genital Lymphedema Evaluations| Standardized Approach for the Diagnosis and Management of Lymphedema (LE) and Lymphatic Diseases (LD)|22"