b'efforts toward fulfilling those that are achievable. SECTION 5:Clinicians can also support these patients hopes by offering achievable and realistic hopes, maintainingFINAL REMARKS:optimism, and demonstrating a commitment tofinding answers and committing to helping thepatient in the future 193 . Author: William J. Repicci Since its founding in 1998, the Lymphatic Education & Providing Validation Research Network (LE&RN) has promoted education, Patients and families affected by lymphedema andtraining, and collaboration among healthcare providers lymphatic diseases have rich knowledge about thededicated to those with lymphatic diseases (LD)manifestations of their disease. Additionally, thesesuch as lymphedema (LE), lipedema, and vascularfamilies and patients have often developed knowledgeand lymphatic anomalies. Recognizing that optimal about their disease after years of networking andmanagement of these diseases involves early research. As such, they have helpful information andidentification, informed diagnosis, and evidence- knowledge that can inform their care. Furthermore,based treatment, we thank the many experts who many patients and families have experiencedcontributed to this document to help guide healthcare dismissive clinicians in the past. By creating space professionals to improve patient outcomes.for their patients to share their experiences andLymphatic medicine is beginning to receive knowledge, clinicians can empower patients tounprecedented attention. Healthcare bureaucracies advocate for themselves. Additionally, clinicians canthat previously paid little or no attention to lymphatic gain important insights from listening to and valuinghealth are now focused on these diseases.these experiences. In rare diseases, patients mightEstablished by a United States Senate Resolution have unique insights about their disease that have authored by LE&RN, World Lymphedema Day isnot yet been published in the scientific literature. now celebrated across the globe, and the numberTo provide validation, clinicians might communicate of LE&RN Centers of Excellence in the Diagnosisto patients that their thoughts and concerns matterand Treatment of Lymphatic Diseases has grown and that they are integral members of the care team.exponentially worldwide.C. CONCLUSION We look forward to regularly updating this document Communication is essential to providing high-qualityas new diagnostic tools, treatments, and cures become care for patients with lymphedema and lymphaticstandards of care. I would like to acknowledge all the disease. Clinicians should be aware of the functionslymphatic heroes who have brought the field to this they are striving to fulfill for patients through theircrossroads by dedicating themselves to reducing communication. Additionally, clinicians should remainsuffering in the world through their advocacy. open to actively listening and learning from the patients experience and knowledge. This fieldneeds additional research to develop tools to enable clinicians to better support the needs of patientswith lymphedema and lymphatic disease. | Standardized Approach for the Diagnosis and Management of Lymphedema (LE) and Lymphatic Diseases (LD)|44'