b"SECTION 2. COMPLEX LYMPHATIC AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTSVASCULAR ANOMALIES The VASCERN PPL Working Group Patient Pathway for A. Clinical Features and Diagnosis; B. Management Primary Lymphedemaof Vascular and Other Complex Malformations forNele Devoogdt a, Sarah Thomis a, Florence Belva b, Overlapping Vascular and Lymphatic Conditions; Hanne Buciek Hove c, Janine Dickinson d, Caroline C. Management of Protein-losing Enteropathies,Fourgeaud e, Guido Giacalone b, Tonny Karlsmark c, Chylothorax, Chyloperitoneum, Management ofHeli Kavola f, Vaughan Keeley g, Manuela Loureno mTOR Inhibitors/Other Pharmacotherapies forMarques h, Sahar Mansour i, Christoffer V Nissen c, Lymphatic Malformations and Complex VascularSusan Nrregaard c, Michael Oberlin j, Tanja Planinek Lesions; D. Interventional Therapies Ruigaj k, Sinikka Suominen f, Kirsten Van Duinen d, Ionela Iacobas, MD, Medical Director, Texas ChildrensStphane Vignes e, Robert Damstra d.Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TXSECTION 3. CONSULTATIVE SERVICES FOR AFFILIATIONSLYMPHATIC DISEASES aCentre for Lymphedema, Dept. of Vascular Surgery,A. Genetics (Screening for Known Genes andUniversity Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Mutations, Genetic Counseling to Patients andbLymphedema Centre, AZ Sint-Maarten, Mechelen, Families) BelgiumSalma Adham, MD, Vascular Medicine Department,cDepartment of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital,Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier,University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Montpellier, France dExpert Center for Lymphovascular Medicine, NijB. Mental Health Smellinghe Hospital, Drachten, The NetherlandseDepartment of Lymphology and Reference CenterIntroduction; Physical Effects; Psychological Effects;Social Effects; Psychotherapeutic Considerations;for Rare Vascular Diseases, Cognacq-Jay Hospital,Psychopharmacologic Considerations; Limitations Paris, FrancefDepartment of Plastic Surgery, Helsinki Universityin the State of EvidenceKay T. Pham, MD, Department of Psychiatry andHospital, Helsinki, FinlandBehavioral Sciences, Texas A&M Health School of gDerby Lymphedema Service, University HospitalsMedicine, Bryan, TX of Derby and Burton NHS Trust, Derby, UKhAssociao Nacional de Doentes Linfticos Alexander M. Kaplan, MD, MPH, Regional Medical Director [Austin Region], Associate Director of(andLINFA), Lisbon, PortugalResearch at Family Care Center, Georgetown, TX iDepartment of Lymphovascular Medicine, SECTION 4. GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNICATIONSt. George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation IN LYPMHEDEMA AND LYMPHATIC DISEASES Trust, London, UKjEuropean Centre for Lymphology, Fldi Clinic, A. Introduction; B. Communications Functions (Managing Uncertainty, Exchanging Information,Hinterzarten, GermanykDermatovenereological Clinic, University Medical Making Decisions, Building Relationships, Enabling Self-Management, Responding to Emotions,Centre, Ljubljana, SloveniaSupporting Hope, Providing Validation); C.VASCERN, the ERN on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Conclusion Diseases, gathers the best European expertise to help Bryan Anthony Sisk, MD, MSCI, Washington patients with rare vascular diseases.University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO The Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema Working Anna Michele Kerr, PhD, Assistant Professor, OhioGroup (PPL WG) is one of those groups, and it covers University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine,primary lymphoedema in children and adults, and Dublin, OH secondary lymphoedema in children up to 18 yearsShelbie Blake Fishman, BS, MD Candidate (Third-Yearof age.Medical Student), Washington University School ofFigures 1, 2, and 3: Illustrations by Hiroo Suami,Medicine, St. Louis, MOMD, PhD, Associate Professor, ALERT (Australian SECTION 5. FINAL REMARKS Lymphoedema Education, Research, and Treatment)William J. Repicci, President & CEO, LymphaticFigures 711: LymphEd, LLCEducation & Research Network, New York, NYEditorial and Design: Phyllis Fried; Kimberley Steele, MD, PhD; Sara Sapp, MS; MDM Graphic Design| Standardized Approach for the Diagnosis and Management of Lymphedema (LE) and Lymphatic Diseases (LD)|5"