b'Non-Cancer Related Cancer-Related Demographic Characteristic Lymphedema PatientsLymphedema Patients (N=323) (N=206)Number % Number %$120,001$150,000 28 5.3$150,000 84 15.8Prefer Not to Disclose 83 15.6LYMPHEDEMA-RELATED EXPENSESAnnual Lymphedema Expenses$500 89 28.8 51 25.6$501$1,000 55 17.8 41 20.6$1,001$2,000 63 20.4 42 21.2$2,001$5,000 58 18.8 45 22.6$5,001$10,000 17 5.5 9 4.5$10,001$20,000 8 2.6 3 1.5Prefer Not to Disclose 19 6.1 8 4.0INSURANCE AND DRUG PLANSHas Health InsuranceYes 288 93.2 193 97.0No 18 5.8 5 2.5Unsure 3 1.0 1 0.5Health Insurance SubgroupsPrivate Commercial 78 24.5 65 28.2Prepaid Health Plan 122 38.2 85 40.0Medicare 88 27.6 73 31.7Medicaid 29 9.1 4 1.7Veteran Affairs2 0.6 3 1.3Disability BenefitsYes 50 16.2 34 17.1No 254 82.2 164 82.4Unknown 5 1.6 1 0.5All Lymphatic Rx Covered by Drug PlanYes 63 26.0 49 28.0No 129 53.3 95 54.3Unknown 50 20.7 31 17.7|National Indicator Report on Cancer-Related Lymphedema (LE)|10'