b'Importantly, the data accumulated in this projectBEST PRACTICESrepresents the initiation of an educational imperative for the education of our healthcare providers.Standards of CareExamples include a formal manuscript summarizing theUnfortunately, there are no universally accepted original research that will target a high-impact, peer- standards of care or guidelines for diagnosing and reviewed medical journal. In addition, the material hastreating lymphedema. This is despite a reasonable been presented at a series of national or internationalbody of evidence supporting the efficacy of earlymeetings, with more to come. and preemptive diagnosis, risk reduction, and surgicaland non-surgical treatment interventions to minimize The Lymphatic Forum, Banff, Canadaestimated disease burden, symptomatology, and progression 32, 33 .200 attendees However, for the present, healthcare providers turn to The Society for Vascular Medicine, Washington,empiric standard principles of medicine to diagnose DCestimated 100 attendees and treat patients presenting with lymphedema.The International Society of Lymphology WorldTo be effective, diagnosis and treatment requires aCongress, Genoa, Italyestimated 400 attendees comprehensive team of experts along with an The International Union of Phlebology/American Veinindividualized approach tailored to the patients& Lymphatic Society World Congress, Miami Beach,specific needs and circumstances, including the Floridaestimated 500 attendees following important principles:Imperial College, London, UKestimated 1001. Accurate Early Diagnosis Is Essential: Healthcareattendees providers assess the patients medical history, The British Lymphology Society, Chester, UK perform a physical examination (includingestimated 200 attendees measuring and recording the disease burden inthe affected body regions) and may employ In addition, it is anticipated that this work will bediagnostic tools such as bioimpedance presented later this year at the Veith Sympthe annualspectroscopy, perometry, lymphoscintigraphy, or meeting of the Socit Franaise de Phlbologie,MRI to confirm the presence of lymphedema and Paris, France. to determine its severity.IMPLICATIONS 2. Patient Education: Education is a critical aspect This report has provided a clear outline of numerousof lymphedema management. Patients should problems to address in lymphedema: the currentreceive information about lymphedema, risk healthcare disparities, access to care, and issues reduction strategies, and self-care techniques to with transition to care that exist for those living withmanage and prevent exacerbations.3. Compression Therapy: Compression therapy islymphedema. This will require a multifaceted approach:a cornerstone of lymphedema management.1. Improving public awareness and educating allIt entails using compression garments, bandages,stakeholders about lymphedema or devices to apply controlled pressure to the 2. Focusing on curricular reform to include training affected limb(s) to enhance lymphatic contractilityand resources for healthcare providers, beginning and minimize edema. The compression levelat the undergraduate level through medical andand type of garment may vary based on the graduate school, to emphasize the importance ofindividuals needs and should be monitoredthe lymphatic system in health and disease and approved by a specialist trained to fit 3. Lobbying for insurance coverage and financialcompression garments.assistance programs that would make lymphedema4. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): MLD is acare accessible to all specialized massage technique performed by 4. Determining avenues to reduce the cultural andtrained, certified lymphedema therapists to manually stimulate the lymphatic system and language barriers that currently exist in healthcareencourage the movement of excess fluid toward communication functional lymphatic drainage routes.5. Focusing on the transition of care from pediatric to 5. Exercise and Movement: Gentle, low-impact adult care6. Considering approaches to encourage and exposeexercises and physical activity can help improve lymphatic flow and overall mobility. Physical early trainees and investigators to the study oftherapists trained to treat lymphedema arelymphatic medicine an excellent addition to the comprehensive 7. Changing the current funding mechanisms so thattreatment team.lymphedema and lymphatic research is on par with the resources provided to other chronic diseases|National Indicator Report on Cancer-Related Lymphedema (LE)|15'