b'Comprehensive Cancer Centers of ExcellenceCentro Linfedema c/o C.C. La Madonnina, Milan, Italy can provide the listed services on-site, all within the Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, USA same institution, and can coordinate the provision of Lymphedema Program, McGill University Health Centre, the services for patients who have developed lymphedema as a result of cancer treatment. This includes meeting theMontreal, Quebec, Canada Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USAminimum requirements of at least three CLTs on-site and demonstrating proficiency in the following areas: diagnosis, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, USA imaging, conservative management, assessment tools, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,interventional therapies, surgery (with a minimum of three surgeons performing lymphatic surgeries), genetics,NY, USA University of Colorado Health, CO, USAconsultation, research, accountability, collegiality, administration, and community involvement.University Hospital Zrich and University Children`s Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Hospital Zurich, Zrich, SwitzerlandCity of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA University of Washington, Division of Plastic Surgery, Seattle, WA, USA Nebraska Medicine Buffett Cancer Center, Omaha, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, USANE, USA University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA Referral Network of Excellence designation indicates that the institution and/or nearbyThe University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, collaborating institutions can provide the listed Houston, TX, USA services, and that these institutions can coordinate provision Comprehensive Pediatric Centers of Excellenceof the services. For example, University A School of are institutions that can provide the listed servicesMedicine, University B Teaching Hospital, C Cancer on-site, all within the same institution, for childrenCenter, and Private Practice D Rehabilitation Facility can and young adults and coordinate the provision of theprovide the listed services, and can coordinate provision of services. This includes meeting the minimum requirements the services. This includes meeting the minimum of at least three CLTs on-site and demonstrating proficiencyrequirements of at least three CLTs within the referral in the following areas: diagnosis, imaging, conservativenetwork, and demonstrating proficiency in the following management, assessment tools, interventional therapies,areas: diagnosis, imaging, conservative management, surgery (with a minimum of three surgeons performingassessment tools, interventional therapies, surgery (with a lymphatic surgeries), genetics, consultation, research,minimum of three surgeons performing lymphatic surgeries accountability, collegiality, administration, and communitywithin the referral network), genetics, consultation, research, involvement, as well as referrals for patients no longeraccountability, collegiality, administration, and community treated due to age restrictions. involvement. Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA Lymphedema Center Santa Monica, Santa Monica, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center HemangiomaCA, USA and Vascular Malformation Center, Cincinnati, OH, USAUniversity of Miami Health Services, Miami, FL, USA Vail Health/Shaw Cancer Center, Edwards, CO, USA Nemours Childrens Hospital Delaware, Wilmington, DE, USA Lymphatic Disease Surgery Centers of ExcellenceTexas Childrens Hospital Vascular Anomalies Center,designate those institutions (i.e. a cancer care Houston, TX, USA center or large teaching hospital/network) that canComprehensive Networks of Excellence areprovide the listed surgical services. This includes meeting the institutions with affiliate institutions (within closeminimum requirements of at least three CLTs on-site or within geographical proximity) that can provide the listedthe network and demonstrating proficiency in the following services. For example, University A School of Medicine,areas: diagnosis, imaging, conservative management, University A Teaching Hospital, University A Cancersurgery (with a minimum of three surgeons performing Center, and University A Rehabilitation Facility can providelymphatic surgeries within the network), research, the listed services and can coordinate provision of theaccountability, collegiality, administration, and community services. This includes meeting the minimum requirements ofinvolvement.at least three CLTs within the network and demonstrating The Center for Lymphatic Restoration at Swedish proficiency in the following areas: diagnosis, imaging,Medical Center, Englewood, CO, USAconservative management, assessment tools, interventional The Center for Lymphedema Surgery at The Institutetherapies, surgery (with a minimum of three surgeons performing lymphatic surgeries within the network), genetics,for Advanced Reconstruction, Shrewsbury, NJ, USA European Center of Lymphatic Surgery, Brussels,consultation, research, accountability, collegiality, administration, and community involvement. Brussels, Belgium Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino GemelliThe ALERT Program at Macquarie University, New South IRCCS, Rome, ItalyWales, Australia The Genoa Center for Lymphatic Diseases, Genoa, Italy Aristotle University, Plastic Surgery Department, Integrative Lymphedema Institute, Dallas, TX, USAThessaloniki, Greece|National Indicator Report on Cancer-Related Lymphedema (LE)|21'