b' Kameda Medical Center, Chiba Prefecture, Japan Appendix 3: LE&RN Research ResourcesKaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 1.Lymphatic Research Database: Here, you will find a listKaohsiung, Taiwan of the worlds leading lymphatic researchers, their labs, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, a brief description of their research, and a link to their Netherlands PubMed research database. This pages search engine Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile allows the viewer to search by name, institution, orresearch topic. Researchers can use this page to find Santa Creu i Sant PauClinica Planas, Barcelona, Spainpotential research collaborations and partners.LD Surgery Network of Excellence designation2. Clinical Trials & Studies: A compendium of ongoing indicates that an institution (i.e., surgeons in lymphatic-related clinical trials underway that patientsprivate practice with full clinical and administrativecan enroll in if they meet the necessary criteria.staff) can provide the listed surgical services on-site and3. Publications: Resource sharing a compiled list of peer-within their referral network. This includes meeting theminimum requirements of at least three CLTs on-site andreviewed research in lymphatics.demonstrating proficiency in the following areas: diagnosis,4. Conferences & Travel Awards: LE&RN actively imaging, conservative management, surgery (with a minimumparticipates in the research community and participatesof three surgeons performing lymphatic surgeries within thein various national and international lymphatic-relatedreferral network, i.e., one on-site surgeon and two surgeonsconferences. To support rising stars in the lymphaticwith whom they collaborate/refer), research, accountability,community, we support trainees and young investigatorscollegiality, administration, and community involvement. with travel grants and poster awards. Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center, Jacksonville, 5.Lymphedema and Lymphatic Disease Video Symposia:FL, USA A compendium of lymphedema and lymphatic diseaseLymphatic Disease Conservative Care Center ofsymposia with a wide diversity of speakers and topics.Excellence designation indicates that an institutionAppendix 4: Gaps in the Field of Lymphatic Research can provide the listed conservative care services on-site or within its own network. This includes meeting theOne of the significant challenges the lymphatic minimum requirements of at least three CLTs on-site or withincommunity faces is the lack of research thatthe network and demonstrating proficiency in the followingcan help understand lymphatic physiology and areas: diagnosis, conservative management, assessmentdiseases and create effective therapies to tools, research, accountability, collegiality, administration,combat them. The Lymphatic Education & and community involvement. Research Network collected input from leadingHartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network, lymphatic researchers and scientists to address this issue regarding the gaps in clinical and translational research in Newington, CT, USA lymphedema and other lymphatic diseases. This input hasMoffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA been compiled into the following document: Click here to download a copy. Mt. Wilga Private Hospital, Hornsby, New SouthWales, Australia Penrose Hospital Out-Patient Rehabilitation, Appendix 5: Standardized Approach for theDiagnosis and Management of Lymphedema (LE) Colorado Springs, CO, USA and Lymphatic Diseases (LD)Sanwari Bai Surgical Center, New Delhi, IndiaTherapy Achievements, Huntsville, AL, USA This comprehensive document provides healthcare professionals with a unified Appendix 2: LE&RN Resource Center framework for assessing, diagnosing, and The LE&RN Resource Center is atreating lymphatic diseases. Emphasizing early complimentary global support servicedetection, effective intervention, and improved to assist the lymphatic community inquality of life, it addresses the global rise innavigating the complexities of lymphatic diseases, includingthe prevalence of lymphatic diseases and the significant lymphedema, lipedema, and lymphatic anomalies. We servephysical, emotional, and economic burdens they impose. people living with lymphatic diseases and their families,The collaboration and contributions of clinical specialists caretakers, and healthcare providers. The LE&RN Resourceposition this document as a vital resource to empower Center can help find specialized care through the LE&RNhealthcare professionals with guidelines for preventive Centers of Excellence network, locate certified lymphedemameasures to deliver consistent and effective care.therapists, and provide educational resources. Download theClick here to download a copy.LE&RN Resource Guide for a list of services and programs provided by the Lymphatic Education & Research Network. We encourage you to connect with the LE&RN Resource Center and to refer your patients and colleagues.Contact the LE&RN Resource Line at 1-855-378-8163or LRC@lymphaticnetwork.org |National Indicator Report on Cancer-Related Lymphedema (LE)|22'