b'NoCancer Survivor StatusYes10 5 0 5 10Level of Concern from Doctors (10 to 10)Figure 3. The mean level of physician interest in lymphedema was rated by non-cancer-related lymphedema patients (3.81) and cancer-related lymphedema patients (4.03), P0.05.37DISCUSSION An accurate accounting of all Americans sufferingfrom lymphedema should not be an insurmountable In comparison to the recent past, the recognition obstacle. A future coordinated effort to accurately that lymphedema (LE) is underestimated,collect data is essential to improve outcomes. It ismisunderstood, and overlooked represents the responsibility of the U.S. medical and surgical a form of progress.associations, third-party payers, and our entire private and government healthcare systems to meet thisAs evidenced in this report, patient advocacy groupsgoal and improve the outcomes with increased like the Lymphatic Education and Research Networkeducation, prevention, and more successfully(LE&RN), with the support of governmental agenciesdelivered interventions. like the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionIndeed, the field of lymphatic medicine is poised for (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Advancedmajor growth as government and private sector Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), and thefunding agencies finally recognize its importance.Department of Defense (DOD), have been activelyFor example, in the last few years, the CDC has working to raise awareness for lymphedema to providesupported the National Cancer-Related Lymphedema educational resources, and to advocate for improvedAwareness Campaign, reaching millions of Americans education for both healthcare providers and thethrough public service announcements. The NIH community, with the overarching goal to achieveestablished a National Commission on Lymphatic accurate accounting of lymphedema prevalence andDiseases, the Department of Defenses Congressionally outcomes, to reinforce the essential need for supportDirected Medical Research Program has, in 2023, and resources to improve access to care and to ensurerecognized lymphatic diseases and lymphedemaequitable healthcare coverage for all people living withas eligible for research funding for the first time,lymphedema.the United States Congress recently passed the Currently, unlike other chronic diseases such asLymphedema Treatment Act, and, since 2021,diabetes and asthma, for which accurate prevalenceover 60 facilities met standards to become LE&RNand incidence data are available, at present we can, atCenters of Excellence 26 .best, rely upon inferences about the prevalence and incidence of lymphedema. |National Indicator Report on Cancer-Related Lymphedema (LE)|14'