b'Non-Cancer Related Cancer-Related Demographic Characteristic Lymphedema PatientsLymphedema Patients (N=323) (N=206)Number % Number %Income$10,000$30,000 56 17.3 27 13.1$30,001$50,000 46 14.2 22 10.7$50,001-$80,000 53 16.4 47 22.8$80,000$120,000 54 16.7 32 15.5$120,001$150,000 17 5.3 10 4.9$150,000 39 12.1 45 21.8Prefer Not to Disclose 58 18.0 23 11.2OccupationEmployment Insurance 254Full-Time Employment 178+18Part-Time Employment 39 +17Long-term Disability 9Homemaker 16Retired 86Student 11Smoking StatusEver UseYes 85 26.8 55 27.0No 232 73.2 149 73.0Packs Per Day1 50 66.7 38 76.02 12 16.0 3 6.03 0 0 4 8.04 0 0 0 05 1 1.3 0 010 1 1.3 0 0Other 11 14.6 5 10.0WORK AND FINANCEOverallIncome: Individual Living with Lymphedema$10,000$30,000 84 15.8$30,001$50,000 68 12.8$50,001-$80,000 100 18.8$80,000$120,0001 86 16.1|National Indicator Report on Cancer-Related Lymphedema (LE)|9'