b'Table 1. Demographics from LE&RN Global Registry 37Non-Cancer Related Cancer-Related Demographic Characteristic Lymphedema PatientsLymphedema Patients (N=323) (N=206)Number % Number %SexMale 50 16.2 15 7.5Female 257 83.2 185 92.5Decline to State 2 0.6 0 0Age(Mean SD) 54.217.35 65.612.6RaceWhite 263 86.23 179 90.4Black or African American 17 5.6 2 1.0More Than One Race 13 4.3 7 3.5Asian 9 3.0 2 1.0American Indian/Alaska Native 1 0.3 0 0Decline to State 2 0.7 8 4.0EthnicityNot Hispanic or Latino 287 92.9 184 92.0Hispanic or Latino 15 4.9 6 3.0Decline to State/Unknown 7 2.3 10 5.0CountryUnited States 263 85.1 188 95.4Canada 14 4.5 4 2.0Australia 4 1.3 2 1.0England 8 2.6 0 0Ireland 3 1.0 1 0.5France 2 0.65 0 0Other 15 4.9 2 1.0EducationLess Than 12 Years of Education 9 2.9 3 1.5High School Diploma 52 16.8 31 15.5Associates Degree 41 13.3 27 13.5Bachelors Degree 87 28.2 62 31.0Post-graduate Degree 93 30.1 71 35.5Other 27 8.7 6 3.0|National Indicator Report on Cancer-Related Lymphedema (LE)|8'