LE&RN's Virtual Expo is a resource to help people with lymphedema and lymphatic diseases find out about products and services that can improve the quality of their lives. This is one of many programs that we offer, and we hope that you will bookmark the site and come back regularly. We will continue to update the videos and the companies, so there is always more to learn here.
We have also provided a contact at each company that you can reach out to for further information and answers.
Feel free to email us with further questions: LERN@lymphaticnetwork.org
DISCLAIMER: The Expo is a virtual exhibit hall where companies can introduce their products and services to interested parties. Inclusion of advertisers in the Expo does not constitute LE&RN’s endorsement, guarantee quality or claim of value made by the manufacturer, distributor, owner or service provider. LE&RN’s sole goal is to connect patients and health care professionals to information they may find useful when exploring treatment and educational opportunities.