Illinois Support Group

Illinois Support Group

~Second Sundays ~

Join us on the 2nd Sunday of each month

11am Support Group for Lymphedema (LE), Lipedema, & Lymphatic Diseases (LD)

This group includes care-takers, friends & family and those affected by lymphatic diseases.  Come out to listen or to share.
Q & A

Noon “Lymphormation”

Informative lecture on Lymphatics
Q & A
Instructions on exercises that may help reduce fluid
Instructions of self manual lymphatic drainage MLD
Information on treatment options for LE & LD
All who RSVP receive 15 min hands-on demo of MLD
Bring your own bandages and we will bandage one limb
RSVP to visit in person, or by Conference call 515-604-9705

RSVP 630-241-4100

Visit:   Sharon M. Vogel, CLT, MT & Nick Talbot, CLT, MT

National Lymphatic Centers

5002 Main Street, Suite A, Downers Grove, IL  60515