Cheryl M

Port Charlotte, FL

I had soft tissue (bladder) cancer in 2009 and 2014. In 2014, my bladder was removed along with other nearby organs as well as lymph nodes in my lower ab area. I went into the hospital weighing 129lbs and came out 14 days later at almost 180lbs. I couldn't get my clothes or shoes on to leave the hospital. I wore my hospital gown home. I had problems with nerves in my legs going numb and I would fall down. My face was so swollen I could see my cheek swelling when looking down. It was all over my body.

It has been five years this month since my last surgery and four years on Spirolacton medication to reduce fluids and most of the fluid is gone except heavy concentrations in my lower abdomen and genital area. I have taken lymphedema therapy over time and it did help. I feel like crap most every day from fatigue, joint aches, and my left upper leg at the groin area is always sore. Sometimes, all my major lymph node areas are sore since the working areas are going at overtime to move fluid. I can weigh 10lbs heavier at night than I was when I woke up that morning. Now that I know there have been so many improvements and doctors are more knowledgeable today than just five years ago, I will keep moving forward to get the help I need.