Ask Cheryl Brunelle, PT, MS, CCS, CLT

Areas of expertise:

  • Breast cancer-related lymphedema
  • Prospective surveillance/screening
  • Risk factors for lymphedema
  • Symptoms of lymphedema
  • Measurement of lymphedema
  • Treatment of lymphedema: manual lymphatic drainage, compression, exercise, self-care
  • Early intervention for lymphedema
  • Breast edema after breast conserving surgery/radiation
  • Cording/Axillary web syndrome
  • Exercise after breast cancer
  • Rehabilitation after breast cancer
  • Side effects of COVID vaccination after breast cancer treatment

Cheryl Brunelle is the associate director of the Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Research Program and a clinical specialist in physical therapy at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Cheryl earned her physical therapy degrees at the University of Toronto, Canada. She completed her lymphedema certification with Drs. Albert and Olivier Leduc in London, England, and with Klose Training, in Boston, USA.

Cheryl’s clinical focus is on oncology program and staff development within the MGH department of physical and occupational therapy, and the evaluation and treatment of patients during and after breast cancer treatment, for issues such as surveillance and early intervention for lymphedema, shoulder morbidity, and deconditioning resulting from breast cancer and its treatment.

Cheryl is a strong proponent of lymphedema screening as standard of care for patients treated for breast cancer. Since 2005, over 6,500 women have been screened for lymphedema after breast cancer treatment within the MGH lymphedema prospective screening program.

Cheryl joined the Lymphedema Research Program in 2014, since which time she has published over 25 papers. She has collaborated on multidisciplinary teams to update hospital policies including recommendations for receiving the COVID vaccine after lymph node removal for breast cancer, as well as collaborated on a recent white paper establishing measurement guidelines for lower extremity lymphedema in research studies. She presents the team’s research works regularly at national and international conferences. Cheryl’s breast cancer-related lymphedema research interests include early intervention, measurement, effects of the COVID vaccine after lymph node removal, prospective surveillance, precautionary measures and breast edema.

Submit a New Question
  1. Stage 1 arm lymphedema with little swelling
    Question (Tracy, ):
    • I have no pain and little swelling. None, or the other day it was a half percent bigger than the other arm. Wearing a sleeve all day long seems like a lot. I've been wearing it before, during, and after exercise, about 5 hours per day. Is this enough? Thanks.

    • Aug 2024

      Thank you for your question. Here at Massachusetts General Hospital, we measure patient’s arms often and ask about symptoms we know can indicate developing lymphedema (specifically a feeling of heaviness, change in arm size or sensation of swelling), and conduct clinical exams as part of screening. We use all of that information together with the patient’s risk level for lymphedema, in deciding how aggressive to be with early intervention. In patients at high risk (who have axillary lymph node dissection, or sometimes a combination of sentinel node biopsy, regional nodal irradiation and/or elevated body mass index), we may intervene early. 0.5% larger than the other arm does not necessarily indicate swelling, but without comparing that to a measurement prior to your surgery, it is not accurate for lymphedema diagnosis. When I treat early, I use compression for 12 hours a day for 6 months prior to consideration of weaning compression. I do not believe 5 hours is enough; compression should be worn consistently throughout the day when the arm is in a dependent position (at your side, as it is all day), and may be removed at night (or for some I also give a night garment). My suggestion for you would be to consult with a lymphedema therapist who is part of a screening program and used to seeing early lymphedema. That way, you can have a proper clinical exam, consider your level of risk and make an informed decision with your certified lymphedema therapist.

  2. I never had this much tightness, skin changes, etc. till now.
    Question (Becky, ):
    • Using what I LEaRNed, I believe I had successfully managed leg LE stage 1-2 (worse on rt)esp to prep4 TRHR 1 year ago and a TRKR 4 weeks ago. Would the tourniquet cause an LE flare? This does NOT seem like post-op swelling!! "Hoping" I will get attention and diagnosed.

    • Aug 2024

      Thank you for your question. You have a history of lymphedema and have had two surgeries on that side as well. In my experience, and in several small studies (specifically in cases of arm surgery), patients with lymphedema will experience a temporary increase in lymphedema after elective surgery to the limb, but this can be managed well. I would consult with your certified lymphedema therapist for an evaluation, and together consider whether adding in some manual lymph drainage at home, and perhaps multiple layer wrapping temporarily to get the swelling down, is appropriate in your case to manage this flare.

  3. Stage 1:  Does it always progress
    Question (Tracy, ):
    • I've been diagnosed with stage 1 arm lymphedema. I'm wondering if it always progresses. Could there be a time I don't have to wear the compression sleeve all day? Thank you.

    • Jul 2024

      This answer really depends on several factors. Generally, lymphedema is a progressive disease, if it is not treated and maintained, with compression being a first line and important part of treatment. The goal of treatment is to prevent progression to later stages of lymphedema. I have, in some cases, been able to wean garment wear for select patients, but this is done with consideration of risk factors for progression, and close supervision within a lymphedema screening program. I would suggest you work closely with your lymphedema therapist and discuss whether or not they feel there is potential for weaning compression at some point, and if so, this should generally only be attempted with very low-level edema, with low risk of progression and close screening.

  4. Compression
    Question (Vero, ):
    • My juzo compression foot to knee is helpful to limit lymph infiltration but when i seat down, after 2 days it gives me great headache 1st thing in the morning pushing me to give up wearing. Is the compression ill fitted? Secondary lymph after pelvic surgery. Thank you

    • Jul 2024

      Thank you for your question. I would like to be sure I am understanding your question correctly. I think you are saying that after two days of wearing your compression garment, you have pain in the morning, and you have given up wearing your garment. If this is the case, I would consult with your lymphedema therapist (or consult with one if you have not) to ensure you have the right garment and the right fit. If your leg pain is new and ongoing, I would have your doctor examine your leg to determine why you are having this new pain.

  5. Measuring for compression garment
    Question (Shari, ):
    • I have lymphedema in my left arm due to breast cancer lumpectomy and radiation. Is there a best time during the day to be measured/fitted for a new compression sleeve? Morning or later in the day? Thank you!

    • Jun 2024

      Thank you for your question. If you are already in a maintenance sleeve, it should be keeping the edema at bay, and it timing would be up to your preference; I don’t generally time measurements throughout the day.

  6. Hot tubs
    Question (Jessica, ):
    • Is it true that you cannot use hot tubs when you have lymphedema?

    • Jun 2024

      Showalter et al showed that in 141 women with stable lymphedema, hot tubs did not predict arm swelling (p = 0.05). Triggers are individual for everyone, and patients are always encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms. You may try it for a short time, 3-5 minutes, see how your limb responds over the next 24-48 hours, then increase as you prefer.

  7. Sleeping habits
    Question (Jessica, ):
    • I have lymphedema in my left lower leg. I am also a side sleeper and prefer my left side. Does sleeping and putting pressure on the leg affected worsen the lymphedema? Should I sleep with legs elevated? Should I sleep with compression?

    • Jun 2024

      Thank you for your question. I tell patients they should sleep however they get the best sleep (many of my patients do not sleep well, so I hesitate to change their preferred sleeping position). Elevation is helpful in early stage lymphedema, however, in later stages, it often does not help improve the edema. Anyone with lymphedema should be wearing a well-fitted night garment, in addition to their day garments. Margie McNeely wrote a lovely paper on the importance of night garments in lymphedema treatment: it is available at:

  8. Lymphatic Drainage Machine
    Question (William, ):
    • Machines currently available are not very portable (I have the smallest lymphapress for home use). Is anyone aware of one that might be smaller and more easy to take on trips?

    • Jun 2024

      Thank you for your question. Koya Medical (please note I have no financial relationship with this company), has released a non-pneumatic pump called the Dayspring, which is battery-operated, portable and can be worn during activity. I have tried it with a few patients, and they are happy with it. Information can be found at and your lymphedema therapist should be able to help you with ordering.

  9. Contrast pneumatic vs ‘spring’ driven compression garments
    Question (Brenda, ):
    • Is there research being done to quantify outcomes of a Dayspring-type compression device vs traditional pneumatic compression device? What is your opinion on the efficacy of the spring-type portable device? Thank You!

    • Feb 2024

      Thank you for your question. I am not aware of research published yet comparing the two. There is a paper on the efficacy of the Dayspring device: Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Wearable Compression Technology in the Treatment of Lymphedema, an Open-Label Controlled Study. Stanley G. Rockson, Pinar Karaca-Mandic, Roman Skoracki, Karen Hock, Michelle Nguyen, Kristin Shadduck, Phyllis Gingerich, Elizabeth Campione, Andrea Leifer, and Jane Armer. Lymphatic Research and Biology 2022 20:2, 125-132. As you are aware, the dayspring device offers portability and a lower-profile device on the leg or arm. This pilot study involved 40 participants using dayspring for 28 days. After 28 days of use, subjects had a statistically significant 18% (p < 0.001) improvement in overall quality of life before using the pump. Individual quality of life domains, and limb volume improved with therapy and participant adherence was very good. I have not personally used this pump yet, however, as I have been meaning to do this for some time, I have a call out to the vendor to learn more and trial the device.

  10. Lymphatic drainage
    Question (Michael, ):
    • I have had drainage from my leg for over a year. Is that healthy for that long? I change dressings daily and visit the wound clinic 2 times a month. I’m very discouraged. Thanks

    • Feb 2024

      I am sorry you are experiencing this, draining wounds are difficult to self-manage. It is hard to give you an answer without better understanding why you have these draining wounds. For some, there is skin opening or leakage from severe lymphedema, for others, a non-healing traumatic wound, and most commonly, ulcers caused by venous disease. It would be best to have workup to better understand why you have these wounds, and what the treatment should be. If you haven’t consulted with a vascular specialist, this would likely be a good start. If they feel it is appropriate to see a certified lymphedema therapist, this person could help you with treatment which could potentially improve the drainage.

  11. XXXlarge Compression Socks
    Question (Robin, ):
    • My 35 yo son had broken is ankle - after 2 surgeries contracted Lymphedema. We can't find compression socks to fit his massive ankle and calf (6X plus) - any suggestions?

    • Feb 2024

      HI, I am sorry to hear this. My suggestion would be a custom measured compression stocking which would allow for any size leg, offer best containment of swelling and be most comfortable. I would only suggest a custom measured stocking if your son has undergone lymphedema management for reduction, to try to get the swelling down as much as possible, then transition to custom stockings for maintenance of the improvement. Certified lymphedema therapists usually have access to custom fitters, if not they will do fittings themselves.

  12. Effects of Diaphragmatic Release on Lymphedema
    Question (Justine, ):
    • Can Diaphragmatic Release cause issues in patients with lymphedema if not done in conjunction with MLD or at least clearing the cervical, thoracic and axillary lymph nodes prior? I have primary lower limb lymphedema and PFD. After PFD treatment I have back/ab pain/stain, constipation and more swelling in my stomach.

    • Jan 2024

      I am not aware of this or any evidence in this area. I am assuming you mean pelvic floor disorder (PFD), but please correct me if I am wrong. I would report your symptoms after your PFD treatment, and perhaps your therapist (hopefully a licensed physical therapist) could work in conjunction with your certified lymphedema therapist to come up with a plan of care that addresses both conditions without worsening your symptoms. If you do not have a certified lymphedema therapist, I would suggest consulting with one. I am curious if you have primary lymphedema of both legs or just one, and, if a lipedema diagnosis has been ruled out? I am just suggesting that as often lipedema has not been considered when there is bilateral lower extremity volume increase, and pelvic floor issues are commonly experienced by patients with lipedema.

  13. Obesity induced lymphoedema management
    Question (Yin Ying, ):
    • Seeking advice on how to bandage a 200cm circumference obesity induced lymphoedema on right upper leg with lobules

       Or what is the recommended management?

    • Jan 2024

      Thank you for your question. This type of limb is difficult to wrap in that it is time consuming to apply, uncomfortable for the patient to tolerate, and if the patient is mobile, it can fall quickly. I would anticipate the patient desperately needs intensive reduction therapy. Ideally, this could be done in an inpatient setting if you can find one, where wraps can be reapplied often (requiring foam and lots of padding for the folds) and the patient can be monitored closely. Reduction should be traditional complete decongestive therapy, without exception daily sessions, maintaining the wraps between sessions. Seeing a patient like this 2-3 times a week will be entirely ineffective. The best plan here is to find an inpatient center with a certified lymphedema therapist, or next best is to find a CLT in the community who will see this patient daily. I am not sure of the etiology of the lymphedema (you say obesity), but R leg only so I would anticipate there is something else going on. Referral to vascular and/or lymphatic surgery may also be indicated for such a patient, but only in conjunction with good complete decongestive therapy.

  14. Arm lymphedema after breast cancer
    Question (Edith, ):
    • Do rebounder trampolines help?

    • Jan 2024

      I am not aware of strong research trials in this area, so there is limited data to drive my answer. I strongly believe that slowly progressive and supervised exercise is better than no exercise, and we have lots of research in that area. I believe the most important thing is having an initially supervised program (by a physical therapist accustomed to seeing patients after breast cancer) which progresses slowly to avoid injury, and meeting exercise guidelines (150 min per week of moderate activity and 6-8 exercises for large muscle groups) after breast cancer. The largest exercise trial we have is the PAL trial (Physical Activity and Lymphedema) by Katie Schmitz’ group. It showed that for patients with lymphedema who did resistance training, they had less flares, and if they flared, the flare was less severe, than patients with lymphedema who did not take part in the exercise program. This has changed our advice for patients and we encourage slowly progressive, supervised exercise after breast cancer.  Choose an activity you enjoy doing, otherwise any patient would be much less likely to adhere to the program and stick with it in the long run, which is important.

  15. Deposit in breast
    Question (Dominique , ):
    • I have breast cancer related lymphedema. I have skin changes under my breast. Clearly, the fluid is not moving, accumulating and changing into something else. How do I get rid of it? I wear a compression vest, exercise, pump, put cream on, wear a swell spot when home, etc.

    • Jan 2024

      I apologize for the delay in answering your question. I am not sure if you have lymphedema in your arm and breast, or just in the breast. In any case, it sounds like you are taking care of your skin well and adding some compression. I would suggest you see a certified lymphedema therapist, as there are a few other potential treatment options, including manual lymph drainage of the breast (in clinic or self MLD), different compression options and kinesiotape, to name a few. Often there is fibrosis that also benefits from manual therapy. For most patients, this does subside over time, with very few patients having issues 36 months out. I know this sounds like a long time, and treatment by a certified lymphedema therapist may help get to resolution faster than time itself.

  16. pain to the touch after taking wraps off
    Question (danae, ):
    • my son has lymph edema in both legs ,Dr sent him to pt,after he removed wraps she put on for 2 days he has a lot of pain when he touches his legs,what should he do?continue w/wraps or stop,he called pt who placed them and she did not offer

    • Nov 2023

      Thank you for reaching out and I am sorry your son is having pain. I would suggest circling back with your son’s physician. Wraps should not be painful, or they would need to be modified in order to make them more comfortable. Possibly more padding is required or less tension on the bandages. I am assuming the PT your son is seeing is a certified lymphedema therapist. If not, I would suggest only seeing a CLT for this treatment. If your son has pain in one area (focally), any redness or heat, I would suggest following up with the physician immediately as these could be signs of infection. In addition, I would suggest ensuring you have a definitive lymphedema diagnosis and there is no other reason for swelling in the legs.

  17. Abdominal lymphedema options
    Question (Patricia, ):
    • Is there any treatment besides massage or wraps for abdominal lymphedema. Life quality has diminished. Massage helped until it didn’t. Surgeon removed 19 lymph nodes!

    • Nov 2023

      Thank you for your question. Treatment for abdominal lymphedema may include compression (long line garments, or wrapping), manual lymphatic drainage, exercise and self-care. Surgical referral to a lymphatic surgeon may also be considered. Maintenance of a healthy weight is recommended and often there are good resources in this area available. I am sorry that life quality has diminished for you and would suggest following up with a certified lymphedema therapist. Consistency of compression will be key, ensuring compression is replaced every 6 months.

  18. Flying to Scotland in 9 days, need to reduce swelling quickly
    Question (Kathy A, ):
    • I have had left leg & abdomen Lymphadema since 1997 Melanoma surgeries. NEED TO REDUCE A SWELLING FLARE UP BEFORE Flying to Scotland on Oct 6. QUESTION IS Are OTC remedies even remotely helpful? Currently use daily pump, wear 20/30 compression hose, do lymphatic self massage.

    • Oct 2023

      I am sorry to hear you are having a flare. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that any OTC remedies are effective. The mainstay of therapy includes complete decongestive therapy to reduce, followed by day and night compression for maintenance. Unfortunately, these treatments are not effective in such a short time. I would suggest, if you are going to be in Scotland for some time, seeking treatment there, as there are many certified lymphedema therapists there who could potentially help. Otherwise, I would suggest ensuring you wear up-to-date, well-fitted compression, good hydration before, during and after your flight, and mobility/movement of your legs throughout your flight as best you can.

  19. Massive localized lymphedema in abdomen
    Question (Liz, ):
    • I have MLL in my hanging stomach due to an infection. It limits how I get around and compounds with my rheumatoid arthritis. Most of the research I can find is for limbs, or due to surgery. I was just referred to a physical therapist. What should I expect? Thanks

    • Nov 2023

      Thank you for your email. I am assuming the infection has been treated and you are followed by a physician for treatment and follow-up of the infection. You state you have been referred to a physical therapist, I would suggest ensuring he or she is a certified lymphedema therapist. They will likely ensure there is no contraindication in your abdomen to compression or manual lymphatic drainage. Treatment may consist of manual lymphatic drainage, compression (such as wrapping, longline compression garments or custom compression garments), skin care and exercise. If you have massive localized lymphedema, you would likely also benefit from a lymphatic surgery consult. You could also submit a question to Jay Granzow for his suggestion as he is a lymphatic surgeon with a lot of experience in this area.

  20. Which pneumatic compression pump to buy?
    Question (Lisa, ):
    • I have lymphedema in my left leg and groin for 20 years (radical hysterectomy for cancer). My right leg is less swollen. I’ve worn 30-40 (R) and 20-30 (L) compression thigh high stockings. What pump is best to reduce fibrosis (foot ankle) swelling in legs feet & groin?

    • Sep 2023

      Thank you for your question. I am wondering if you have a certified lymphedema therapist you have worked with in the past? It sounds like you would benefit from further reduction therapy (complete decongestive therapy) and then perhaps new custom garments to keep the swelling down. A pump is really an adjunct to full therapy, not a treatment in and of itself. Each patient has individual needs with a pump, so I would suggest recommendations come from a CLT you are seeing, and only after reduction therapy and new garment fitting. Garment replacement every 6-9 months is also imperative to keep the lower legs and feet under control, and custom flat knit is far superior to off-the-shelf circular knit.

  21. LVA surgery and Velcro compression garment
    Question (Cindy, ):
    • I am having LVA surgery on Monday, my surgeon says he’s OK and thinks it would be a good idea with me wearing a Velcro compression garment a few days after the surgery. But he does not know what to recommend. My physical therapist has never worked with someone after

    • Sep 2023

      I am sorry for the delay in replying to you, as you have already had your surgery. Feel free to reach out again with further questions as you need.

  22. Full Body Compression Needed
    Question (Abigail, ):
    • I wear morning-and-night-garments both-legs-hands-arms-trunk-chest. It takes nine-pieces. I hit garment allowance/allotment quickly with insurance and can only get a piece at a time. I have to go without often and worsen quickly. How do you suggest I advocate for my insurance to help cover needed compression? Thank you!

    • Aug 2023

      Thank you for your question and I apologize for the delay in answering online. I am wondering what the etiology of your full body swelling is? Needing full body compression is not common. I agree it is very difficult with insurance coverage the way it is currently. In the next year, you will see great improvements as the Lymphedema Treatment Act is enacted. In the meantime, perhaps trying to decrease the number of pieces you are using, for example, sleeve and gloves, pantyhose and a long line trunk garment, which is 6 pieces. This is still very expensive, however. If you do not have a definitive diagnosis, I would suggest considering further work-up to see if there are perhaps any additional treatment options available to you, as I would guess this has a dramatic impact on your life. Garments, lymphatic imaging, lymphatic surgery and research has come a long way in the past few years, so I would suggest checking in with your team, including your CLT, at least yearly.

  23. MLD direction
    Question (Leslie , ):
    • I am a CLT now treating post VLNT in Colorado. We have no protocol in place for our post op VLNT. I have a protocol from Beth Israel LE center. Their protocol states MLD is now directed down the arm towards the new forearm flap. Is this correct?

    • Aug 2023

      Thank you for your question and I apologize for the delay in replying. I did not feel it was my place to advise re: the BI protocol, so I reached out to Kathy Shillue, PT, CLT in the Lymphatic Surgery Program at Beth Israel, who very kindly replied with the following:

      “We don’t use any compression or MLD immediately post op, and only resume once the patient is seen and cleared by the surgeon at the 3 week post op visit, and then resume pre op level of compression for all patients. 

      If the patient was using self MLD prior to LNT, we would generally resume that with a new drainage pattern towards the new lymph nodes, which we often place in the proximal forearm.  However,  we now are learning much about individual lymphatic anatomy and drainage patterns with imaging, so would also use information from pre operative ICG to assist in directing the patient in self-drainage,  and might use a more individualized pattern.   

      I would recommend speaking with the surgeon to find out where the lymph nodes were placed and what might be known from imaging about lymphatic drainage prior to surgery.    This should be a collaboration between surgeon and lymphedema therapist.”

      Thank you to Kathy for her quick reply and help with this question!

  24. Pneumatic Compression Pumps
    Question (Marian, ):
    • I have fairly well controlled lymphedema in my left leg. I do MLD, wear compression, and exercise regularly. Would you recommend adding a pump to my treatment regimen? Are there negatives associated with using a pneumatic pump?

    • May 2023

      It sounds like you have a very good program in place! Please ensure you are replacing your garments regularly. Pumps may be used as an adjunct to a program like yours, yes. I would suggest discussing this with your certified lymphedema therapist in case you have any contraindications to using a pump. In general, the only issue I have with pumps is if they are not being used in addition to all of these other things you are doing. They are not meant to be a stand-alone treatment. For patients who are very active, I generally would never recommend a pump if it means losing the time to exercise because of pump treatment. I would prefer a patient is exercising rather than sitting still with their limb in a pump.

  25. Pneumatic compression devices and pressure
    Question (Chris, ):
    • I have a unilateral lower limb primary lymphoedema. The foot and ankle are most problematic. What is the highest pressure setting of these pumps that would be safe to use? Which devices have been tested in clinical trials? I am in the uk. Thank you.

    • Aug 2023

      Thank you for your question and I apologize for the delay in replying. We know from the literature that lymphatic vessel closure pressure is higher than what we previously anticipated. In a 2016 study by Jean-Paul Belgrado, the observed mean occlusion pressure of the superficial lymphatic vessels was 86 ± 3.7 mm Hg. Saying that, I would suggest pressures of no higher than 80 mm Hg with a pneumatic compression pump. I would suggest trying different pressures and perhaps refitting appliances to ensure the foot and ankle are draining well. Working with company reps, programs can be altered on some pumps, for example, to increase time spent in one area that is more problematic. In any case, pumps have been shown to be an adjunct to a comprehensive lymphedema treatment program, including compression, self-care, exercise and proximal clearance before applying a pump to a limb.

  26. Lymphadenopathy in Breast
    Question (Gail, ):
    • I receive massage therapy but have found different bras cause varying raised welts in the inner bottom of my breast which over time appear to be getting longer and wider. The welts are just raised, not red, itchy or painful and disappear with no bra.

    • May 2023

      Thank you for reaching out. It sounds like the bra strap is digging into some swelling and causing pitting indentations into the skin. You would likely benefit from either a bra with a very wide band below the breast, or a long line compression garment (like a tank top but specifically for swelling/lymphedema). I would also recommend alternating or changing garments at least daily, to avoid developing welts in your skin. Finally, you could see a certified lymphedema therapist who can try different techniques for this swelling to try to improve it for you, so that your bra does not dig in.

  27. Lymphedema Training
    Question (Michelle, ):
    • I’m a MT in Grand Junction, CO. We don’t have any CLTs in a reasonable distance. My employer is encouraging us to treat lymphedema patients without significant training. Getting my CLT is not currently an option, but can you recommend training that would prevent patient harm and help them?

    • May 2023

      Thank you for reaching out, this is a very challenging situation. Lymphedema should be treated by certified lymphedema therapists, and I would strongly recommend that your employer consider supporting this for at least one if the staff in your facility. There are some programs to help with the cost of this training, and it sounds like your area would very much benefit from a certified therapist. Here is a link to LERN’s Please note that this is available to PT’s, PTA’s, OT’s, OTA’s, MD, DO, PA, DC and RN, so perhaps someone in your facility or community could apply for such an opportunity to help prioritize the needs of this patient population. As an MT, please note that manual lymphatic drainage in and of itself is not sufficient to treat lymphedema, as these patients also require compression between sessions to maintain the effects gained in each session. They also highly benefit from exercise. I applaud you for trying to meet the needs of a patient population lacking care, however, this should be met by CLT training.

  28. Lymphedema treatment vibrator frequency
    Question (Max, ):
    • Are there any studies on what vibrational frequencies are best for lymphedema treatments?

    • Apr 2023

      Thank you for your question. To my knowledge and upon a quick literature review, there is no evidence supporting use of vibration to specifically treat lymphedema. There were two studies completed 20-40 years ago, neither which evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment on its own. I am not aware of a particular frequency recommendation and would suggest more evidence-based methods of lymphedema management which should be provided by a certified lymphedema therapist.

  29. Question for Dr. Brunelle
    Question (Mary, ):
    • Could the pressure from a mammogram after 18 months bring on lymphedema for a patient who had 22 lymph nodes removed during a lumpectomy for breast cancer followed by 20 rounds of radiation? I was told to be careful with my arm, but they were sure rough on me! Thanks!

    • Apr 2023

      Thank you for your question. I am sorry to hear the mammogram was so uncomfortable for you. However, I have never seen a patient whose lymphedema was incited by a mammogram. You may have some acute breast swelling or discomfort, but this should be temporary and resolve quickly.

  30. pneumatic massage
    Question (Magda, ):
    • Good morning. I have a question. I have met with different approaches so I prefer to ask the best specialists. Is pneumatic sleeve massage in primary lymphedema recommended? If so, which program. From the foot to the groin or vice versa? Thank you in advance for the answer and greetings warmly

    • Apr 2023

      Good morning and thank you for your question. Intermittent pneumatic may be used as an adjunct to a full lymphedema treatment program, in addition to compression and potentially manual lymphatic drainage in clinic. It should not be used as a treatment by itself. Compression, fitted appropriately by a certified lypmhedema therapist, should be worn in between pump sessions. Because there are some precautions and contraindications to pump use, it would be best to work with a certified lymphedema therapist and your physician to consider whether a pump would be appropriate in your case. One would always work from the foot to the groin - the direction of movement should be up toward the hip.

  31. Preparation for knee surgery in leg with primary lymphedema
    Question (Serica, ):
    • I've had primary lymphoedema in left leg for 58 years and need replacement knee surgery. The swelling is well controlled but I'm fearful of what surgery might change. I have had a replacement in the other knee and both hips which were successful. What do i specifically need to do?

    • Mar 2023

      Thank you for your question. I would recommend that if you regularly wear compression, you ensure your garments are new and up-to-date. Garments that may be specifically helpful after knee replacement, when the knee is swollen postoperatively, would include velcro-closure wraps or ‘reduction’ velcro-closure wraps, that can be cut down as your leg decreases in size. I am glad to hear the surgery in your other knee and both hips was successful. As after any operation, prevention of infection is key, and infection can certainly worsen lymphedema. It would be best to ensure that anyone touching near your incision practices hand hygiene before touching your leg and follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding infection prevention. Regaining your mobility with the help of the therapy team will be key to ensure good circulation in the leg and ongoing use of your muscle pump which also helps fluid to clear. Best of luck with your surgery.

  32. Weight loss and stability of lymphedema
    Question (Shrinjoy , ):
    • Does weight loss help with lymphedema also does lymphedema stabilizes after few years ?? I don't wear compression any more and the leg has stopped growing is this something all lymphedema patients go through?? The swelling was really bad in the first couple of years

    • Mar 2023

      Thank you for your excellent question. Each person’s lymphedema course is different, so it is difficult to generalize. Lymphedema is a chronic disease, however, it can stabilize, and I see that likely more in cases of primary lymphedema than in lymphedema that is secondary to cancer surgery, for example. I am glad yours seems to have stabilized and is doing well even without compression. I will say, however, if your swelling is still not really well controlled (if the volume of the leg is still greater than the other side), I would suggest continuing with compression and reduction treatment as needed, to avoid lymphedema progressing to later stages. This is because in later stage lymphedema, the tissue changes to a more fat-dominant swelling, which really cannot be treated without surgery and can predispose the limb to infections.

      As for weight loss, our research team found that weight loss did not decrease lymphedema risk in patients at risk for lymphedema after breast cancer. Katie Schmitz’ research group found that weight loss did not improve lymphedema outcomes in her WISER trial. However, I would argue that weight loss, for those who are overweight or obese, has so many other health benefits, I would suggest aiming for attaining a healthy body weight. Many patients at risk for or with lymphedema struggle with weight loss on their own, despite healthy lifestyle behaviors. This is sometimes due to treatment side effects or hormonal changes. In those cases, working with a registered dietician and your physician can be helpful.

  33. Pain relief
    Question (Cynthia , ):
    • I had 30 Lymphnodes removed from one arm. I wear compression sleeve, self massage and exercise. Have used Lidocaine and continue Advil/Tylenol prn. Any thoughts on other pain relief options? Have tried Arthritis pain relief creams. Have you heard of hyperbaric treatments? Thank you

    • Feb 2023

      Thank you for your question. I am wondering if your pain could be coming from a source other than lymphedema. There could be something orthopedic or neurologic, for example, in addition to any discomfort from swelling. In earlier stages of lymphedema, often the discomfort is described as heaviness, or fullness, or a sense of swelling. Pain can certainly be present in later stages of lymphedema, but it is always best to seek out any other issues that may be responsible for pain. These issues could be treatable and help to decrease the pain you are experiencing. I would suggest seeing your PCP, if you haven’t already, for an evaluation and referral as appropriate, including to a certified lymphedema therapist if you have not already received management. You can use a Find a Lymphedema Therapist function on the LERN website found under ‘Living with Lymphatic Disease’.

  34. Cracked skin at base of toes
    Question (Lorraine, ):
    • Lymphedema is worse on my feet, The skin at the base of my toes in front and in back is very, very dry and cracked. The dermatologist said to moisturize, but that doesn't seem to help. Is there any treatment you can recommend? Thank you.

    • Dec 2022

      Thank you for your question. This can be a common problem. I would ask your dermatologist for their recommendation re: moisture lotion. Something heavier/more emollient is usually more helpful as this won’t soak into the skin and disappear. Ensuring you apply this at night and in the morning, is helpful. If you wrap your toes for your lymphedema, ensuring there isn’t a fold in the toe wraps as they approach the web spaces is helpful as wraps can dig into the skin, make sure you are monitoring for openings in the skin. If you feel there is an infection at any point, you should seek medical attention right away.

  35. Ready wraps, vs velcro wraps, vs multilayered compression bandaging, vs patient self-bandaging.
    Question (Anna, ):
    • What's the preferred self-wrap technique for chronic patients unable to fit in a compression garment and are unable to receive daily compression bandaging. Juzo velcro wrap vs ready wraps vs jobst farrow wrap vs self-bandaging. Which method is most comparable to multi layered compression bandaging from a therapist.

    • Dec 2022

      Thank you for your question. If the goal is reduction, then a product suitable for limb volume reduction would be best. This would be either a reduction garment or self-bandaging. If patients are able to achieve good self-bandaging, this is a good option. Often this takes more than one session, and patients need to be aware that bandaging pressure decreases over the first 24 hours, so ideally, wraps should be reapplied daily.

  36. Exercise
    Question (Cheryl , ):
    • When using a rebounder should you wear compression hose while jumping? I wonder if it is an effective?

    • Nov 2022

      Thank you for your question. I would suggest that if you have a diagnosis of lymphedema or lipedema in your lower extremities and are advised to wear your compression hose daily by your lymphedema therapist or doctor, I would suggest you do so when rebounding as well.

  37. Lymphedema on ball of foot
    Question (Debbie, ):
    • What can be done for lymphedema on ball of foot. I am using pump with pants 2x daily 60 to 90 min. I am using compression socks 15-20 & 20-30. I am also using compression capris.. Do I just us metatarsal pads?

    • Nov 2022

      Thank you for your question. Lymphedema on the ball of the foot can be quite uncomfortable. You may wish to increase compression to 30-40 mm Hg or you may wish to try a toe cap and an open toe stocking, which sometimes can help that area. You could also try metatarsal pads, as you mention. If you wear night compression, a garment that has good foot and toe compression would be important.