A Day to Remember: 1st Annual WI Walk/Run
Cindy Cronick
Walk/Run Organizer and WI Chapter Co-Chair
The First Annual WI Walk to Fight Lymphedema & Lymphatic Diseases was such an inspirational day. We couldn’t believe the great turnout and how so many people came together to learn about lymphedema and lymphatic diseases and to support those living with these diseases. As Co-Host, I believe the event was an incredible success due in part to the great volunteers. We formed a Walk Committee and by drawing on each person’s area of knowledge and strengths, each person executed their part beautifully.
I asked Kristin, a member of the WI Chapter to Co-Host the Walk with me and she became our go-to person for anything related to running or walking a 5K event. Kristin recruited Deb and Alyce and rounding out our Walk committee was Becca Kobus (WI Chapter Co-Chair), who became our go-to person for online projects and artistic design.
We started many months ahead of time and held regular meetings every other week. We solicited regional businesses for sponsorship funds and received positive responses. We also asked local businesses for in-kind donations and they responded generously. This helped keep the event costs to a minimum. We raised cash donations, participant give-aways, a gift certificate for our prize drawing, bottled water, snacks, fruit and Kashi sent us Kashi bars.
For the venue we chose a school in Osceola which allowed for ample parking and use of the building’s restrooms. For publicity, we submitted a story to local papers along with press releases. We posted flyers at local businesses and a few weeks before the event, we walked in a local parade, handing out Walk flyers while throwing candy. We promoted the event by posting our on local online sites, word of mouth and by emailing friends and family to participate and donate.
As race day neared, we recruited volunteers to help with all the various tasks and then held a volunteer meeting a few days before race day so that each person knew their job and had written responsibilities. We were so excited when the event t-shirts arrived and everything started coming together.
The big day began with a set up crew who worked to get all the tables and tents in place for our booths and another crew who followed up with getting runners and walkers registered. We had such great support from local businesses along with generous donations from LE&RN’s national sponsors Tactile Medical and Lohmann & Rauscher. Both companies had a booth at our event as well. Our Emcee kicked off the event with an introduction of Dr. Nancy Hutchison, our keynote speaker, who delivered a moving and informative speech. Visit our WI Chapter Facebook page to view the speech and photos from our event. We then asked each lymphedema patient to come forward to receive a balloon and then on the count of three, we simultaneously released our balloons, symbolizing a resolution to come out of the shadows and work together to raise awareness. Gone are the days of living in the shadows. Now is the time to speak up and demand change.
Throughout the day the volunteers did a great job operating as a team. First the kids ran in the ½ mile Fun Run which was a heart-warming and inspiring sight to experience. Next a timed 5K Walk-Run. Walkers and runners alike were excited to participate and enjoyed the beautiful fall scenery. The event concluded with prize drawings for several donated gifts.
I was so proud of our Walk Committee and all their hard work. I am so thankful for the kind support of the Osceola community; for our sponsors who gave generously to make this day possible, and for all the volunteers and participates that made this a great day to remember.