Posts from Canada Chapter Chair, Stephen Kelland
“Think like someone of action; act like someone of thought”– and –
“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action”.
The former quote adorns the personal Facebook page of the LE&RN: Canada Chapter, Chair, Stephen (Steve) Kelland, while the latter, attributable to Herbert Spencer, 19th century English philosopher, biologist, anthropologist, sociologist and prominent political theorist, amplifies the sentiment of Steve’s FB alter-ego “Canada MALE(Male Advocate for LymphEdema)” on the page “Lymphedema – LE Nexus Canada”.
As the fourth edition of THE day (OUR day) on the annual lymphedema (LE) calendar rapidly approaches, i.e. “World Lymphedema Day – 6 March”, this two-part blog strives to bring forward two distinct and timely messages, each extrapolating a point from the two quotes. Hoping you enjoy the read, comments/feedback and/or support are not only welcomed but embraced and encouraged.
Good health… good lymphatic heath!