Marie Apodaca
Co-Chair, Colorado Chapter
Marie is a lymphedema/lipedema advocate and patient, who went misdiagnosed for a decade. After her diagnosis, she had to become her own advocate and research treatment options as her doctors where unaware of management and treatment options. During her journey, she found LE&RN and made her way to the 1st Annual California 5K Run/Walk in 2015. Marie was awarded the first LE&RN Inspiration Award at the 2016 California 5K Run/Walk. Marie looks forward to researching local resources and contributing to the Lymphedema Centers webpage so patients can find therapists within their vicinity. Marie is also very passionate about teaching others about lymphedema/lipedema. She believes that knowledgeable patients will help educate medical professional. Her goal is to remove the stigma surrounding lymphatic diseases, while relieving the many physical and psychological effects these diseases impart.

David Sanger Jr.
Co-Chair, Colorado Chapter
When Dave was born in 1979 the doctors and nurses immediately knew something was wrong with his legs and feet. As an infant his feet were so big that his parents had to cut the feet part off footed pajamas to avoid cutting off circulation. When he was a child, Dave knew that his lower body didn’t look like all the other kids in school, but he never let it slow him down. He lived a very active life playing soccer, football and baseball. The onset of puberty is what finally triggered his lymphedema infections and countless trips to doctors and the Mayo Clinic. Dave has managed to continue to live a life he loves; he got married and had a family. His son Hunter was born with primary lymphedema in 2013 and is now the third generation of men in his family to have this disease. Dave and his family are hopeful that with continued research and awareness, Hunter will not have to suffer as Dave did. Dave’s entire family continues to be staunch advocates for the awareness and understanding of lymphedema and other lymphatic diseases because of the long-lasting effects it has had on his life. His family has been active supporters of the Colorado LE&RN Run/Walk to Fight LE & LD since 2017. First as attendees, then participants and now as volunteers and a CO-chair of the chapter.