Arun Rekha
Chair, India Chapter
In 1994 Dr. Gogia (M.S. Surgery) started a lymphedema clinic with Arun Rekha providing Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC). In 2009 she visited USA and completed a Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) course. Then in 2011, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) presented an opportunity for Arun to start a lymphedema counseling clinic in its department of surgery. The success of this clinic attracted further funding and products from the industry, and currently Arun is conducting clinical trials here. Arun also helped in organizing symposiums and workshops at AIIMS advocating that lymphedema is treatable. This unique clinic gets experts from around the world and trains surgeons with newer techniques like microsurgery for treating lymphedema.
Arun has traveled to many countries in addition to the U.S. (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, China, Japan, Korea), attending and participating international conferences and workshops on the latest techniques and advancements in the treatment methodology. She also visited the Földi Clinic and discussed with Prof. Földi how the lymphedema situation in India can be improved.
Arun has designed and conducted lymphedema camps in Maharashtra, Goa, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, U.P. and Tamil Nadu with further plans for other locations sucha as Kerala and Chandigarh. She also helped in setting up a lymphedema clinic in Goa Medical College. And most recently a new camp in Pisawan block of Sitapur District U.P. resulted in the formation of a clinic where a farmers’ collective encourages its members suffering from lymphedema to undertake self care.
She has two publications in compression therapy in peer reviewed journals.
Based on her experience and reach, Arun looks forward to establishing a network and collaborative associations among researchers, patients, educators, advocates, industry representatives to create a comprehensive care model for lymphedema patients.

Vice Chair, India Chapter
Ajit is a researcher at Columbia University. His research focuses on development of Lymphatic vessels and functional impairment in pathologies such as lymphedema. Having worked closely with patients suffering from various lymphatic disorders, Ajit is involved in creating awareness, disease advocacy and policy structuring for better treatment and care for patients suffering from lymphatic disorders and lymphedema. He feels connected to the suffering of the patients and understands their difficulties on a personal level as well, since his mother has been suffering from secondary lymphedema following her breast cancer surgery. He is working with doctors and researchers across the globe to bring better care for patients in India. He plans to create awareness about lymphedema with digital healthcare initiatives using online health feeds and conducting special lecture series designed by experts in the field for medical students.