Ask the Experts serves the needs of our LD and LE community. The materials and other information provided by Ask the Experts are for general education, communication and information purposes only and are neither designed nor intended to replace nor constitute the giving of case specific or other medical advice, treatments or diagnosis. We are unable to accept questions of this nature.
This service is not intended to provide primary medical advice concerning specific medical care or treatment. Ask an Experts is a free service operated by health care professionals who are committed to LE&RN's mission. These individuals volunteer their time for this service and will respond as soon as they are able. The contents of this portion of the website cannot be used as a substitute for a consultation with your doctor or other healthcare provider. It also may not represent the opinions of LE&RN.
Our experts welcome questions about treatment options; however, they are unable to answer questions that request information or recommendations regarding specific product brands.

Cheryl Brunelle, PT, MS, CCS, CLT
Areas of expertise:
- Breast cancer-related lymphedema
- Prospective surveillance/screening
- Risk factors for lymphedema
- Symptoms of lymphedema
- Measurement of lymphedema
- Treatment of lymphedema: manual lymphatic drainage, compression, exercise, self-care
- Early intervention for lymphedema
- Breast edema after breast conserving surgery/radiation
- Cording/Axillary web syndrome
- Exercise after breast cancer
- Rehabilitation after breast cancer
- Side effects of COVID vaccination after breast cancer treatment

Dr. Roman Skoracki
Areas of expertise:
- Surgical treatment of lymphedema (Extremity and head and neck lymphedema)
- Multiple Lymphaticovenular Anastomoses – for treatment as well as in the prophylactic /immediate setting
- Liposuction for Lymphedema
- Liposuction for Lipedema
- Lymph node transplant
- Diagnostic imaging of lymphedema
- Screening for patients at risk of lymphedema
- Multidisciplinary care of lymphedema

Prof. Dominic Furniss
Areas of expertise:
- Surgical treatment of lymphoedema
- Multiple Lymphaticovenular Anastomoses
- Liposuction for Lymphoedema
- Liposuction for Lipodema
- Lymph node transplant
- Diagnostic imaging of lymphoedema
- Screening for patients at risk of lymphoedema

Dr. Jay Granzow
Areas of expertise:
- Lymphedema Surgery
- Integrated Lymphedema Treatment System
- VLNT (Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer)
- LVA (Lymphaticovenous anastomosis)
- SAPL (Suction Assisted Protein Lipectomy)
- Lipedema Surgery
- Lipolymphedema Surgery

Dr. Joseph Dayan
Note: Dr. Dayan is not currently answering questions.
Areas of expertise:
- Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer
- LVA (lymphaticovenous anastomosis)
- Liposuction and Debulking Operations for Lymphedema
- Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema
- Lymphatic Imaging and Work-up (including lymphoscintigraphy, MRI/MRL/MRA, ICG Lymphangiography/SPY)
- Assessing Outcomes in Lymphedema Treatment

Dr. Stanley Rockson
Areas of expertise:
- Lymphedema
- Lymphedema prevention
- Genetics
- Lymphatic malformations, venous malformations, complex vascular anomalies
- Protein-losing enteropathy
- Chylous effusions
- Impact of systemic disease on lymphatic function

Dr. Sheila Ridner
Note: Dr. Ridner is not currently answering questions.
Areas of expertise:
- Lymphedema treatment options
- Self-care
- Symptoms associated with lymphedema
- Quality of life concerns
- Coping with lymphatic diseases
- Psychosocial issues
- Patient advocacy

Dr. Jessica Kandel
Areas of expertise:
- Neonatal and pediatric surgery
- Congenital and pediatric solid tumors
- Vascular tumors of infancy and childhood
- Lymphatic malformations
- Congenital lymphedema
- Hemangiomas and vascular malformations

Cynthia Shechter, MA, OTR/L, CIMT, CLT-UE
Note: Cynthia Shechter is not currently answering questions.
Areas of expertise:
- Rehabilitation after surgery
- Lymphedema risk
- Axillary web syndrome
- Exercise
- Air travel
- Cellulitis/infections
- Wrapping
- Compression garments
- Compression pump use
- Self MLD
- Surgical options for lymphedema
- Breast reconstruction
- Lifting and risk of exacerbation or developing lymphedema
- Radiation in relation to lymphedema and motion
- Evaluation and treatment of lymphedema

Dr. Francine Blei
Areas of expertise:
- Hemangiomas – infantile, RICH, NICH
- Syndromic Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations Genetic Aspects of Vascular Anomalies
- Medical Treatment of Vascular Anomalies
- Lymphatic Malformations
- Prenatally diagnosed vascular lesions
- Primary Lymphedema
- Hereditary and non-Hereditary Vascular and Lymphatic Syndromes

Prof. Håkan Brorson
Areas of expertise:
- Lymphedema leads to adipose tissue increase
- Liposuction of lymphedema

Dr. Peter Mortimer
Note: Dr. Mortimer is not currently answering questions.
Areas of expertise:
- Breast cancer related lymphoedema
- Genetic basis of primary lymphoedema
- Lymphatic spread of cancer eg melanoma

Cheri Hoskins, CLT, CCT
Areas of expertise:
- Lymphedema Management
- Quality of Life
- Pneumatic Compression Devices
- Legislative Concerns
- Patient Advocacy
- Reimbursement for Pneumatic Compression
- Compression Therapy Certification
Dr. David W. Chang, F.A.C.S.
Areas of Expertise:
- Surgical Management of Lymphedema
Lymphatic Education & Research Network is not responsible for the content of any messages posted to this board. Remember that the Ask the Expert message board provides a place to discuss lymphatic disease and lymphedema issues and concerns. The information provided through this service is for educational purposes only. Participants agree and understand that they are not entering into a physician/patient relationship with any of the experts by use of this message board. This service is not a substitute for medical advice, and nothing contained in this message board is intended to constitute professional advice for medical diagnosis or treatment. Advice or information received via this message board should not be relied upon for medical, legal or financial decisions. You should consult with an appropriate professional to obtain specific advice regarding your situation.
Lymphatic Education & Research Network is committed to patient confidentiality and privacy. Information collected by the message board will not be distributed to any third party or used without permission. Keep in mind that this type of communication vehicle does allow a community of those with lymphatic disease and lymphedema discussion participants to see the name or initials you authorize for display, your city and state of residence, and all messages posted to this board.
With consideration to other message board users, please respect each other by refraining from the use of slander, profanity, abusive or threatening comments.
No advertising or soliciting of business is allowed. Posting chain letters, pyramid schemes, charity requests or petitions for signatures are not permitted. The distribution of viruses or other harmful computer code is prohibited.
We reserve the right to remove without notice any posts or archived e-mails that we believe to be in violation of these standards. Any comment that might result in criminal or illegal behavior is prohibited. We reserve the right to monitor, record, edit, delete or remove any content not within the intended purpose of this message board.
Many people find it helpful to share ideas with one another via message boards. However, because each person’s situation is specific to them, please consult your medical professional for any specific concerns or needs.