Related Organizations

The Academy of Lymphatic Studies provides education in Manual Lymph Drainage and Complete Decongestive Therapy (MLD/CDT) and advances the availability, quality, use and support of lymphedema management techniques through standard settings, terminology, education and research.

Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program has a mission to educate, support, empower, and advocate for breast cancer patients, professionals, and the community.

Alberta Lymphedema Network (ALNET) is a provincial multidisciplinary research and education program on lymphedema, and more broadly, the lymphatic system and lymphatic diseases and its establishment was supported by The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Foundation has partnered with the University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine, the Calvin, Phoebe and Joan Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases, the University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Salutaris Centre (Edmonton).

The American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine has a mission to improve the quality of medical practitioners and the care of patients related to venous and lymphatic disorders through rigorous testing, reliable certification, and improved educational standards.

American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM) was established in 1984 and has served "to promote, encourage, foster, and advance the art and science of microsurgery and complex reconstruction” and to establish a forum for teaching, research and free discussion of reconstructive microsurgical methods and principles.

The American Vein and Lymphatic Society (FKA American College of Phlebology) is the premier association for physicians and allied health professionals dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of venous and lymphatic disease.

The American Venous Forum (AVF), is dedicated to improving the care of patients with venous and lymphatic disease.

Babylon (NY) Breast Cancer Coalition (BBCC) is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to various breast and gynecological cancer concerns. Founded in 1993, the BBCC continues to be a grass-roots organization, providing an array of patient support services, education and advocacy programs. is the patient website of The American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation. The content of the website has been written by members of The American Society of Breast Surgeons, with a bit of help from collaborating experts in acupuncture, lymphedema and psychology.’s goal is to engage, educate and empower readers so that they will be better able to make informed decisions for their breast health care.

Brylan’s Feat Foundation is determined to serve as a resource and advocate for innovative research for children and their families who have been impacted by Lymphedema.

The Canadian Lymphedema Framework is an academic and patient stakeholder collaboration that is part of an international initiative that promotes education, research, best practices, and lymphedema clinical development, worldwide. Our vision is that comprehensive treatment for lymphedema and related disorders will be accessible to all persons across Canada. Our mission is to improve the management of lymphedema and related disorders in Canada.  The CLF is modelled on the International Lymphoedema Framework, and links with other national frameworks. It acts as a national voice in Canada, supporting the efforts of the Canadian provincial lymphedema associations. 

Center for Lymphatic and Venous Disorders at Stanford Hospital provides a broad spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic treatments for adults and children. Lymphatic and venous disorders often have profound functional and psychological implications for patients and their families. Caring for patients with edema is a complex task requiring input from many specialists.

CenterWatch is helping people connect with clinical trials.  First launched in 1994, the Clinical Trials Listings Service assists patients in finding and volunteering for clinical trials. Today, CenterWatch has the largest online database of industry-sponsored global clinical trials actively seeking volunteers. is a registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world. Learn more about clinical studies and about this site, including relevant history, policies, and laws.

CLOVES Syndrome Community supports, educates, empowers and improves the lives of those affected by CLOVES Syndrome. CLOVES stands for Congenital, Lipomatous Overgrowth, Vascular malformations, Epidermal nevi and Scoliosis/Skeletal/Spinal anomalies.

The Consortium of iNvestigators of Vascular AnomalieS (CaNVAS) is a multi-institutional research consortium founded by a group of Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologists and patient advocacy groups to address the rare nature of vascular anomalies and the paucity of prospective multi-centered research in this field, particularly as it relates to novel therapies and outcome studies.

Dr. Vodder School International offers the training program that includes the original Dr. Vodder Method of Manual Lymph Drainage ( MLD) and Combined Decongestive Therapy

Fat Disorders Research Society (FDRS) is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people affected by adipose tissue disorders through research, education, advocacy and collaboration.

Health Resources in Action helps people live healthier lives and create healthy communities through prevention, health promotion, policy and research.

The Hemangioma Treatment Foundation is committed to providing appropriate treatment to children who are affected by hemangiomas who do not have access to treatment or care.

HEVAS is a Dutch parent and patient organization for hemangiomas and vascular malformations.

The International Lymphedema and Wound Care Institute are lymphedema and wound care specialists offering a training program for lymphedema and wound care certification.

The Intestinal Lymphangiectasia Facebook support group is for families and loved ones of those with Intestinal Lymphangiectasia. Due to the personal nature of the information shared, you will need to request to join this group.

Klose Training offers a variety of online and in-classroom continuing education courses which provide an excellent opportunity to advance your lymphedema treatment skills, acquire knowledge of new therapy techniques, network with other experienced therapists, and earn continuing education credits – including for LANA recertification.

The KT Foundation strives to help patients and families that are dealing with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome.

The K-T Support Group offers support and resources for people with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome and related conditions.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services.

The Lipedema Project is a collaborative partnership between the Friedman Center for Lymphedema Research & Treatment at Mount Sinai Beth Israel and Lipedema Simplified, LLC.  The Lipedema Project is a comprehensive transmedia program to increase awareness and provide education, research and treatment for lipedema.

Lipedema Simplified provides a website that is a portal to information about a relatively common fat disorder that is often mistaken for simple obesity. If you have struggled with fat hips and legs and/or upper arms, and that fat would not go away despite diet and exercise, you may have lipedema.

The Lymphangiomatosis & Gorham's Disease Alliance (LGDA) has a mission to improve the care of patients with lymphangiomatosis and Gorham's disease by promoting research that will identify effective treatments and ultimately a cure for these diseases. The Alliance is committed to providing support to members of the patient community and their families; education for the community, professionals, and the general public; and hope to those affected by these rare lymphatic malformations.

The Lymphatic Malformation Institute is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the clinical care of patients with Lymphangiomatosis and Gorham-Stout Syndrome.

Lymphedema Association of Ontario is working to improve access to quality lymphedema information, resources and services across Ontario and beyond.

The Lymphedema Association of Québec (LAQ) Established in 1999, The Lymphedema Association of Québec (LAQ) provides support, education and awareness to people living with lymphedema, their families, and friends and to healthcare professionals. We inform and educate about lymphedema and its causes, risk reduction and treatments of this chronic disease, and encourage scientific research leading to a cure.

Lymphedema Clinical Trials: US National Institutes of Health allows searching for lymphedema related studies in the US.

The Lymphedema Family Study at the University of Pittsburgh has a project in which the goal is to identify genes responsible for primary (or inherited) lymphedema, also known as Milroy's and Meige's Disease.

Lymphedema People is a site for people with lymphedema, made by people with lymphedema.

Lymphedema Treatment Act (LTA) is a federal bill that aims to improve insurance coverage for the medically necessary, doctor-prescribed compression supplies that are the cornerstone of lymphedema treatment. is an online information resource for those having, or at risk of developing, lymphedema. This website is also for the family, friends, and therapists who care for these individuals.

Lymphoedema United unites the lymphoedema community, with the objective of helping others to live better with lymphoedema and to raise money for supported charities.

The Lymphology Association of North America (LANA) is a non-profit corporation comprised of healthcare professionals experienced in the management of lymphedema. Having recognized the need for a national certification examination for lymphedema therapists, LANA tests knowledge considered fundamental in the treatment of lymphedema.  LANA promote standards for the certification of healthcare professionals who help individuals with lymphedema and/or related disorders manage their lymphedema and to promote lymphedema awareness and the science of lymphology.

The Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) is the nation's largest non-profit organization devoted exclusively to funding innovative lymphoma research and providing people with lymphoma and healthcare professionals with up-to-date information about this type of cancer. LRF's mission is to eradicate lymphoma and serve those touched by this disease.

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the federal government's principal agency for cancer research and training.  The NCI has information on Lymphedema (LE) and Lymphoma.  The NCI coordinates the National Cancer Program, which conducts and supports research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs with respect to the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer, and the continuing care of cancer patients and the families of cancer patients.

The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded in 1988 to provide education and guidance to lymphedema patients, healthcare professionals, and the general public by disseminating information about risk reduction and the management of primary and secondary lymphedema.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) provides a unified voice for those courageous individuals with rare disorders , and for the parents and other caregivers seeking to help them, so that they won’t have to fight that battle alone.

The National Organization of Vascular Abnormalities (NOVA) mission is to serve as an educational resource to individuals affected by Vascular Anomalies. The organization is dedicated to aiding individuals in the management and care of vascular anomalies.

The Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy is an educational institution for training medical doctors, physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, certified occupational therapy assistants, speech-language pathologists, nurses, doctors of osteopathy, certified athletic trainers, chiropractors, and massage therapists to become experts in the treatment of pathologies related to the lymphatic system. Graduates fully certified in the treatment of lymphedema, Norton School alumni are eligible to sit for the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA®) Examination® for lymphedema specialists.

Pacific Therapy Education, Inc teaches physical and occupational yherapists, as well as medical doctors, methods for evaluating, treating and educating patients at risk of developing lymphedema or suffering from lymphedema. Emphasis is on prevention and research-based treatment as per the Leduc method.

The Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation is the leading non-profit organization in the world that advocates for those affected by the rare genetic condition called Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (PMS). Our mission is to offer family support, facilitate research and raise awareness of PMS.

The Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia Facebook support group is a resource for patients and family of those with pulmonary lymphangiectasia.  Due to the personal nature of the information shared, you will need to request to join this group.

Research!America is the nation's largest not-for-profit public education and advocacy alliance committed to making research to improve health a higher national priority.

Share is one of the leading breast cancer organizations offering support for women with breast cancer, as well as ovarian and metastatic cancers. Share's mission is to create and sustain a supportive network and community of women affected by breast and ovarian cancers. SHARE brings these women and their families and friends together with others who have experienced breast or ovarian cancer, and provides participants with the opportunity to receive and exchange information, support, strength and hope.

The Sturge-Weber Foundation's international mission is to improve the quality of life and care for people with Sturge-Weber syndrome and associated Port Wine Birthmark conditions through collaborative education, advocacy, research and friendly support.

Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC), pronounced "Spunk", is a nonprofit organization involved in the development of programs of support. As such it can have an enormous positive impact on meeting the psychosocial needs of patients as well as preserving, restoring and promoting physical and emotional health.

Talk Lipoedema is a UK based organization active across the UK. We’re here to provide benefit to sufferers of lipoedema and their carers through participating in various projects and increasing awareness of the disease. Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or are a long time sufferer, we’re here to support you. We’re based on one simple premise – that talking about lipoedema is a good thing and will benefit sufferers worldwide.

Turner Syndrome Foundation advocates to improve understanding of Turner Syndrome and support for women and children living with Turner Syndrome.

VASCERN, a European Reference Network, aims to facilitate and improve diagnosis, treatment and care for ALL patients suffering from Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases, thus enhancing access to care, and improving quantity and quality of life of these patients.

The Vascular Anomaly Patient Association (VASCAPA) is a not-for-profit organization in Europe whose main objective is to help people affected by vascular anomalies.

The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation (VBF) is an international charitable organization that networks families affected by a vascular birthmark, tumor, or syndrome to the appropriate medical professionals for evaluation and/or treatment, provides informational resources as well as sponsors physician education, mobilizes medical missions trips, and supports research and programs that promote acceptance for individuals with birthmarks.

The Waner Children’s Vascular Anomaly Foundation vision is set out in three parts: to provide financial assistance to families with children afflicted by these vascular anomalies, to provide or fund research directly related to understanding and treating vascular birthmarks, and to support the activities of the Vascular Birthmark Institute of New York in their efforts to educate the medical community through seminars and a fellowship for training other physicians.

The Women’s Health Resource - Imaginis is an independent, award-winning, comprehensive resource for information on women's health and wellness. Our women’s health network web site contains thousands of pages of detailed, physician-edited health information.

World Alliance for Wound & Lymphedema Care (WAWLC) strives to work in partnership with communities worldwide to advance sustainable prevention and care of wounds & lymphoedema in settings with limited resources.

Important Disclaimer:
This information is provided as a resource for use by you and in consultation with your health care professional. The Lymphatic Education & Research Network is not responsible for the content of these external sites.