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Open-access articles available at Lymphatic Research and Biology, the official journal of LE&RN

Open-access articles available at Lymphatic Research and Biology, the official journal of LE&RN
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Lymphatic Research and Biology

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Open Access  Lymphatic Medicine: Paradoxically and Unnecessarily Ignored
Stanley G. Rockson  Read Now

Open Access  Near-Infrared Fluorescence Lymphatic Imaging to Reconsider Occlusion Pressure of Superficial Lymphatic Collectors in Upper Extremities of Healthy Volunteers
Jean-Paul Belgrado, Liesbeth Vandermeeren, Sophie Vankerckhove, Jean-Baptiste Valsamis, Julie Malloizel-Delaunay, Jean-Jacques Moraine, Fabienne Liebens  Read Now

Open Access  SF-36 Shows Increased Quality of Life Following Complete Reduction of Postmastectomy Lymphedema with Liposuction
Mattias Hoffner, Shirin Bagheri, Emma Hansson, Jonas Manjer, Thomas Troëng, Håkan Brorson  Read Now

Open Access  Effects of Compression Stockings on Elevation of Leg Lymph Pumping Pressure and Improvement of Quality of Life in Healthy Female Volunteers: A Randomized Controlled Trial 
Ryota Sugisawa, Naoki Unno, Takaaki Saito, Naoto Yamamoto, Kazunori Inuzuka, Hiroki Tanaka, Masaki Sano, Kazuto Katahashi, Hironori Uranaka, Tomohiko Marumo, Hiroyuki Konno  Read Now

Open Access  ELM: A New, Simple, and Economic Assay to Measure Motility of Lymphatic Endothelial Cells
Fabio Torri, Patrizia Dell'Era, Emirena Garrafa  Read Now