Alison Swain
Washington Chapter Chair
Alison was born with primary lymphedema and Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome of the left leg. She was born and raised in British Columbia, Canada and now lives with her family on Whidbey Island, just north of Seattle. Growing up she saw specialists on both coasts of Canada and Oregon hoping for answers and care options. She did not receive a definitive diagnosis until her late teens. Most recently she has been working with a care team at the University of Washington Medical Center. Alison works with elementary aged students in one of her local school district’s special education programs.
Being a lymphedema patient and experiencing the trials and tribulations that come with this condition has inspired Alison to become involved with helping support, educate and advocate for other lymphedema patients along with their families and caregivers. Becoming the chair of the Washington state chapter of LE&RN will give her the opportunity to do just that.