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let’s talk lymphoedema

let’s talk lymphoedema

Over the past few weeks, many of you have responded to the Face of Lymphedema Challenge: you have created awareness-building videos, and you have become members. We thank you.

If you haven't yet supported LE&RN, please consider doing so today. Your support has never been more needed.

Prevalent, Yet Unknown and Underfunded

Up to 10 million Americans, and hundreds of millions worldwide, suffer from lymphedema and lymphatic diseases. More people suffer from these diseases in the United States than suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, ALS, Parkinson's disease, and AIDS -- combined. Yet, because lymphatic diseases and lymphedema are often misdiagnosed or untreated, they remain unknown by most. This results in little focus on research for treatments and cures, a dearth of therapists to treat the disease, a lack of insurance coverage for even basic treatment, and a severe psychosocial price paid by sufferers who feel embarrassed by the disease and shunned by society.

LE&RN Is Striving to Make Lymphedema and Lymphatic Diseases Visible

LE&RN programs and accomplishments include:

We simply cannot continue to make further strides without you. If you haven't already, please join us. Become a member, today.