Kari Formsma, MD
I’m a Ob/Gyn physician practicing part time as faculty in a residency in a clinic. I have secondary Lymphedema of my left leg after treatment for Type ll uterine cancer. The care required and related tasks take 3 hr from my day everyday. I have tried to get adequate therapy at multiple sites but there are a limited number of LANA certified therapists here in our state. The doctors who treat lymphedema are usually surgeons, so it's tough to get care.
Due to the difficulty getting much up to date information and treatment, I’ve started to go to some of the national medical Lyphedema conferences. I’ve been to 3 so far. The last was the International Lymphedema Framework meeting in Chicago. where I first heard about LEARN at the first meeting a couple of years ago.
Several people have encouraged me to become an advocate but thus far have not felt I wanted to devote any more of my life to Lymphedema than I already do due to my individual care. However, I have decided doing something positive may be what I’m called to do, so I am starting the Michigan Chapter to help others with this disease.
Over the years I’ve organized various types of community organizations such as those groups
Groups including those related to medical missions, school funding advocacy, domestic abuse, and Bible studies.

Monica Hubbert, OTR/L, CLT-LANA
I am an Occupational Therapist who has specialized in the management of lymphedema. I received my training through the Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy and then obtained the LANA certification. I now am a clinician in at a major university hospital and only treat lymphatic disorders. My current treatment interests are in lower extremity lymphedema with a focus on stage III and my treatment philosophy is to provide patients and caregivers with the tools for successful and independent management of lymphedema throughout their continuum of life.
I am a passionate supporter of the education and training of newly certified lymphedema therapists and also currently a mentor in the lymphedema fellowship program. Attending lymphatic conferences regularly to stay abreast of new information in the management of lymphatic disorders is very important, and I frequently attend continuing education and training for the management of lymphedema. I has also authored an article for the monitoring and early detection of lymphedema with the oncology community and have participated in multiple public speaking events for the education and treatment of lymphedema. I am very excited about the opportunity to engage with other professionals and individuals to further the need for education and equal treatment of lymphedema.