A letter to the NIH and the AMA from L.W.

Dear Drs. Collins and Madara:

I write to lend my voice in support of those thousands of men, women and children, including myself, suffering from lymphedema.

My story is simple. I had a wide axillary excision for breast cancer in Sept. 2014. I was proactive about the risk of lymphedema

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A letter to the American Medical Association (AMA) from Janet G.

Dear Dr. Madara,

In August of 2008, I had symptoms of possible uterine cancer. It was so early in the development of my disease that I was given a choice: wait a few months and test again or have a hysterectomy now. As I was beyond childbearing age and wanting to err on the side of caution,

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A letter to the American Medical Association (AMA), L.W.

July 15, 2021

Dr. Francis Collins, Director, National Institutes of Health

Dr. James Madara, CEO and Executive Vice President, American Medical Association

Dear Drs. Collins and Madara:

I write to lend my voice in support of those thousands of men, women, and children, including myself,

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A letter to the American Medical Association (AMA) from Joyce M.

December 16, 2020

Dear Dr. Madara,

I want to include you, as the CEO and Executive VP of the American Medical Association, in a troubling, yet all too common, representation of the inadequate lymphedema treatment received by a patient diagnosed following cancer surgery. The patient... me.  Read More >