
Asbury Park Press Talks About Lymphedema

Asbury Park Press Talks About Lymphedema

LE&RN Executive Director William Repicci and LE&RN Scientific and Medical Advisory Council Member Stanley Rockson, M.D. were referenced in an Asbury Park Press article this week.

“Up to 10 million Americans have lymphedema and lymphatic diseases. That is more than AIDS, Parkinson’s

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The Healing Power of Education

The Healing Power of Education

Brenda Fadeyibi is a LE&RN/Lymph Notes Lymphedema Therapist Scholarship winner. This is her story.

Three. That's the number of strokes Brenda Fadeyibi's pastor's wife had suffered before being placed in occupational therapy. Brenda, then a high school student, took to the internet to

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Young Investigator Spotlight: Marco Borri

Young Investigator Spotlight: Marco Borri

LE&RN thanks Marco Borri for sharing his thoughts with us in this guest blog post. We look forward to getting regular updates on his promising research.

I would like to thank LE&RN once more for this award, which made it possible for me to attend the Molecular Mechanisms in Lymphatic

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Lymphedema Seminars Offering LE&RN Discount

Lymphedema Seminars Offering LE&RN Discount

Lymphedema Seminars is holding a Networking & Educational Seminar for Lymphedema Therapists at the Hilton Durham near Duke University in Durham, North Carolina from June 6-8, 2014. The weekend begins with an optional pre-seminar presentation (1.5 contact hours) given by Eva Sevick, PhD, on

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Cynthia Shecter Writes On Manual Decongestive Therapy

Cynthia Shecter Writes On Manual Decongestive Therapy

Cynthia Shechter, of ShechterCare, co-authored this informative article on manual decongestive therapy, the featured article in this edition of Advance for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. LE&RN extends congratulations to Cynthia for this achievement and thanks for her ongoing support of

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Relationship between Lymphatic Dysfunction and Inflammation

Relationship between Lymphatic Dysfunction and Inflammation

David Zawieja, Ph.D., Regents Professor and Vice Chair Medical Physiology and Director, Division of Lymphatic Biology, at Health Science Center Texas A&M University speaks on the "Relationship between Lymphatic Dysfunction and Inflammation." Dr. Zawieja is Chair of LE&RN's Scientific Medical Advisory Council.

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