Meet Reema Davis, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

Meet Reema Davis, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

A guest blog post by Reema Davis, Ph.D. Dr. Davis (Kathleen Caron Lab at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill) received a LE&RN GRC Travel Award in 2018 to attend the Gordon Research Conference in Lymphatics held in Barga, Italy. She is very grateful to the LE&RN foundation for this

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Meet Ethel Pereira, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

Meet Ethel Pereira, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

This is a guest blog post by Ethel Pereira, Ph.D. Dr. Pereira is at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, under the supervision of Dr. Tim Padera. Dr. Pereira received a LE&RN Travel Award in 2018 to attend the GRC Lymphatics conference in Italy. Research in the

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Effective CDT – The Inconvenient Truth with Guenter Klose

Effective CDT – The Inconvenient Truth with Guenter Klose

To attend this free on-line Symposium on Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) with Guenter Klose, simply visit our Livestream event page at on May 15 at 1pm EDT, 12pm CDT, 11am MDT, 10am PDT.

Guenter Klose received his initial Manual Lymph Drainage

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Meet Jan Kazenwadel, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

Meet Jan Kazenwadel, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

My name is Jan Kazenwadel and I am currently studying at the University of South Australia situated in Adelaide, Australia. For the last ten years, I have worked as a Research Associate in the Lymphatic Development Laboratory under the supervision of Associate Professor Natasha Harvey but

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A Must-Read Editorial from Dr. Stanley Rockson

Dear LE&RN Supporting Members, and Allies in the Fight Against LE and LD,

Along with other LE&RN representatives, I had the honor of meeting with the CEO of the American Medical Association (AMA), Dr. James Madara, in 2016. As we discussed expanding lymphatic disease education among medical

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