
Department of Defense, funding opportunities

Department of Defense, funding opportunities

LE&RN is currently working with legislators, activists, and a government relations firm to guarantee that “lymphatic diseases” are included as a category eligible for study through the Department of Defense (DoD) Peer-Reviewed

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Meet Florent Morfoisse, Ph.D., 2018 IVBM Travel Award Winner

Meet Florent Morfoisse, Ph.D., 2018 IVBM Travel Award Winner

A guest blog post by Florent Morfoisse, Ph.D., 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

My name is Florent Morfoisse. I am a currently a postdoc at the GIGA Center, University of Liege, Belgium, under the supervision of Pr Agnes Noel. I received a Travel Award from LE&RN to attend the 20th International

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Meet Camille Kowalski, 2018 IVBM Travel Award Winner

Meet Camille Kowalski, 2018 IVBM Travel Award Winner

A guest blog post by Camille Kowalski, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

My name is Camille Kowalski, I am a Ph.D. Student at Geneva University Medical Center, Switzerland, under the supervision of Pr. Stéphanie Hugues. I received a travel award from LE&RN to attend the 20th International

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Meet Yeo Kim Pin, Ph.D., 2018 IVBM Travel Award Winner

Meet Yeo Kim Pin, Ph.D., 2018 IVBM Travel Award Winner

A guest blog post by Yeo Kim Pin, Ph.D., 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

My name is Yeo Kim Pin, I am currently a Postdoc at the National University of Singapore, Singapore, under the supervision of Dr. Veronique Angeli. I received a travel award from LE&RN to attend the 20th International

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Meet Seon Pyo Hong, 2018 GRC Poster Award Winner

Meet Seon Pyo Hong, 2018 GRC Poster Award Winner

Seon Pyo Hong received a 2018 LE&RN Poster Award at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Lymphatics Forum in Italy, March 2018. We asked Dr. Hong to share with our Supporting Members some thoughts on his career, on lymphatic research, and on the GRC. Supporting Members make LE&RN research

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Meet Annalisa Zecchin, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

Meet Annalisa Zecchin, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner

A guest blog post by Annalisa Zecchin, PhD, 2018 GRC Travel Award Winner.

My name is Annalisa Zecchin, I’m a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Cancer Biology, VIB-KULeuven (Leuven, Belgium) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter Carmeliet. I was awarded a LE&RN Travel Award in 2018 to

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