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Myth Busters Regarding Pneumatic
Compression Devices
Description: Question: Are any presented studies based on those with "hereditary" as opposed to "acquire" LE? Cheri’s Answer: The studies covered in this presentation addressed secondary/acquired lymphedema with the exception of the Myth regarding genital lymphedema and the lymphoscintigraphy shown was of that of a primary/hereditary patient. Question: Did you evaluate studies that demonstrated the benefits of IPCs with a peristaltic mechanism of action? Karaca-Mandic et al. in JAMA - Derm. & Blumberg et al. in AVS Dec. 2015? Cheri’s Answer: The Cutaneous, Net Clinical, and Health Economic Benefits of Advanced Pneumatic Compression Devices in Patients with Lymphedema was specific to cost savings and had no relevance to the topic covered in this particular Livestream “Myths”. Question: What is the ideal position for treatment with pants? Cheri’s Answer: I recommend that my patients position themselves in a reclined position with legs elevated. Question: How long does it take to see results from treatment with a pneumatic compression device? Answer: It depends on the patient, fibrotic tissue, etc. Question: Does insurance cover Pneumatic Compression Devices? Answer: Pneumatic Compression Devices are a covered benefit by Medicare and all Medicaids with the exception of New York. Most commercial carriers also cover the devices, you can always check with your commercial carrier and ask them for a copy of their policy on Pneumatic Compression.
About the speaker: Cheri is the President and CEO of Compression Done Right, Inc., a consulting company for compression therapy. She has over 30 years of experience specializing in Lymphatic, Vascular and Arterial Compression Therapy. Prior to Compression Done Right, Cheri owned Clinics across the United States for 27 years treating patients suffering from these conditions and has evaluated all products and devices available for the treatment of the same. Cheri prides herself in the work she has done as a patient advocate and helping those in need receive reimbursement for their care. She has authored numerous papers, spoken at many events and conferences. Cheri is currently a consultant and instructs and provides a Compression Therapy Certification Course.